Rudolf Virchow, MD (o pai da patologia celular e cunhou o termo "zoonose")
“Entre a medicina animal e humana não há linhas divisórias – nem deveria haver. O objeto é diferente, mas a experiência obtida constitui a base de toda medicina”.
William Osler, MD (Pai da Medicina Moderna e fundador da patologia veterinária)
" ... em 1884, Osler já havia deixado sua marca indelével nos alunos (médicos e veterinários) que lecionou em Montreal, um dos quais assumiu o ensino de patologia na faculdade de veterinária. Outro, que seguiu o exemplo de Osler e também estudou em Berlim com Virchow, escreveu o primeiro livro em língua inglesa sobre a técnica veterinária post mortem em 1889."
1. Kahn LH, Kaplan B, Steele JH. Enfrentar as zoonoses através de uma colaboração mais estreita
entre medicina e medicina veterinária (como 'One Medicine') Veterinaria Italiana
2007; 43: 5-19. ; e a equipe pro bono autônoma da One Health Initiative.
2. Bliss, Michael. William Osler, Uma Vida em Medicina. Oxford University Press, 1999.
3. “A Vida de Sir William Osler” por Harvey Cushing, 1925 Ed. (Cortesia Cris Lyons, MA, Dip. Ed, MLIS, Biblioteca Osler de História da Medicina, Universidade McGill)
Alexander Langmuir, MD, MPH (Criador do Serviço de Inteligência Epidemiológica dos Centros de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças dos EUA)
“Langmuir estabeleceu o programa EIS como um sistema de alerta precoce contra a guerra biológica. Os oficiais do EIS, na época e agora, são médicos, veterinários, enfermeiros e cientistas da saúde que cumprem tarefas de 2 anos.” Academic e NCBI.
Donald Ainslie (D. A.) Henderson, MD, MPH (1928–2016) Erradicação da Varíola: Liderança e Legado
D.A.Henderson, MD, MPH (líder do programa mundial de erradicação da varíola)
Professor de Medicina e Saúde Pública da Universidade de Pittsburgh. Académico Residente, Centro de Biossegurança, U. of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Professor de Serviços Distintos da Universidade Johns Hopkins. Reitor Emérito da Escola de Saúde Pública Johns Hopkins Bloomberg. Edifício Pier IV, Suite 210, Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Em 22 de abril de 2007, o Dr. Henderson, lendário líder do programa mundial de erradicação da varíola, escreveu à equipe da One Health Initiative:
"Agradeço o seu e-mail e parabenizo você e seus colegas pela promoção do conceito 'One Medicine'. É uma iniciativa que está muito atrasada, mas, ao mesmo tempo, não identifico pessoalmente soluções dramáticas que possam mudar a paisagem no curto prazo. Eu observaria que quando alguém teve a sorte de ter desfrutado da tutela de Jim Steele* durante meu mandato no CDC e periodicamente desde então, como amigo, o conceito de medicina única fica bem enraizado. , quando cheguei a Hopkins como reitor em 1977, procurei determinar como poderíamos nos conectar com uma escola de veterinária para fins de pesquisa e educação. Infelizmente, a geografia era simplesmente um obstáculo muito grande para ser superado.
Conclusão: eu ficaria mais do que feliz em fazer o que pudesse para apoiar seus esforços."
Ronald M. Davis, MD, MPH (líder da One Health e promoveu a adoção oficial da histórica resolução "One Health" da American Medical Association)
3 de julho de 2007 – Dr. Davis, presidente da American Medical Association (AMA) escreveu para a equipe da One Health Initiative:
“Estou muito satisfeito que a Câmara dos Delegados da AMA tenha aprovado uma resolução pedindo maior colaboração entre as comunidades médicas humanas e veterinárias e espero ver uma parceria mais forte entre médicos e veterinários. Doenças infecciosas emergentes, com as ameaças de transmissão entre espécies e pandemias, representam uma das muitas razões pelas quais as profissões médicas humanas e veterinárias devem trabalhar mais juntas”.
*Myron "Mike" G. Schultz, DVM, MD, ajudou a identificar a crise da AIDS
" ... Com os diplomas de DVM e MD em mãos, Mike estagiou no Hospital do Serviço de Saúde Pública dos EUA (Boston, MA, EUA). Este estágio levou ao seu recrutamento por Alexander D. Langmuir (1910-1993) e período de um ano no programa de treinamento do Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) de Langmuir, em Atlanta, no (então chamado) Centro de Controle de Doenças (CDC).
D.A.Henderson, MD, MPH (leader of the worldwide smallpox eradication program)
Professor of Medicine and Public Health, University of Pittsburgh. Resident Scholar, Center for Biosecurity, U. of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Johns Hopkins University Distinguished Service Professor. Dean Emeritus, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Pier IV Building, Suite 210, Baltimore, Maryland 21202
April 22, 2007, Dr. Henderson, legendary leader of the worldwide smallpox eradication program wrote to the One Health Initiative team:
"I thank you for your email and congratulate you and your colleagues in promoting the “One Medicine” concept. It is an initiative that is long overdue but, at the same time, I don’t personally identify dramatic solutions that are apt to change the landscape in the short term. I would note that when one has had the good fortune to have enjoyed the tutelage of Jim Steele* during my tenure at CDC and periodically ever since, as a friend, the one medicine concept becomes well engrained. Indeed, when I came to Hopkins as Dean in 1977, I cast about to determine how we might link up with a veterinary school for research and educational purposes. Unfortunately, geography was simply too great a hurdle to overcome.
Bottom line: I would be more than happy to do whatever I could in support of your efforts."
*James H. Steele, DVM, MPH

Ronald M. Davis, MD, MPH (One Health leader and fostered the official adoption of the American Medical Association's historic "One Health" resolution)
President, American Medical Association Director, Center for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention. Henry Ford Health System One Ford Place, 5C Detroit, Michigan 48202-3450
July 3, 2007 – Dr. Davis, American Medical Association (AMA) President wrote to the One Health Initiative team:
“I’m delighted that the AMA House of Delegates has approved a resolution calling for increased collaboration between the human and veterinary medical communities and I look forward to seeing a stronger partnership between physicians and veterinarians. Emerging infectious diseases, with the threats of cross-species transmission and pandemics, represent one of many reasons why the human and veterinary medical professions must work more closely together.”

*Myron "Mike" G. Schultz, DVM, MD, Helped Identify the AIDS Crisis
" ... With DVM and MD degrees in hand, Mike interned at the US Public Health Service Hospital (Boston, MA, USA). This internship led to his recruitment by Alexander D. Langmuir (1910–1993) and a transformative 2-year stint in Langmuir’s Atlanta-based Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) training program at the (then-named) Center for Disease Control (CDC). Mike’s EIS experiences included a 1964 deployment to Vietnam to investigate infectious disease threats in the war and an important friendship with *James Harlan Steele, DVM (1913–2013), the renowned veterinary epidemiologist/epizootiologist whose leadership helped to formulate their shared concept of “One Health”—the idea that humans, animals, and the environment are all part of an intertwined ecosystem with respect to disease occurrence and microbial evolution—and to shape the conceptualization of emerging infectious diseases (3). ..."
Note: A strong longstanding One Health advocate, Dr. Schultz, a trained Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (veterinarian) and Doctor of Medicine, MD (physician), detected a cluster of pneumonia cases in the early 1980s which helped public health officials identify the AIDS epidemic. As an infectious disease epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Schultz created the Parasitic Diseases Drug Service to provide physicians with medicines to treat rare illnesses. One was pentamidine. Prescribed for patients with African sleeping sickness, it was also made available to treat patients with pneumocystis pneumonia in the early years of the AIDS epidemic, when few alternatives were available. He published more than 110 papers and book chapters, mainly on epidemiologic subjects. He also published special articles on the history of medicine in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, the American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, and Emerging Infectious Diseases and served as an epidemiological consultant to the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization, and the Ministries of Health of the Republic of South Vietnam, Poland, Egypt, Haiti, Federal Republic of Germany, People’s Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), Indonesia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Zimbabwe.
In July 2018, Dr. Schultz was posthumously awarded the American Veterinary Epidemiology Society’s (AVES) coveted Gold Headed Cane award.
Leading One Medicine/One Health Veterinarians—“Giants”—bridging the 20th and 21st Centuries
Calvin W. Schwabe, DVM, MPH, ScD – coined the term “One Medicine” and crystalized the concept (now called “One Health”) in the 20th century
*James H. Steele, DVM, MPH – established the veterinary division at the “Communicable Disease Center” now known as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1947—Dr. Steele continued his extraordinary global public health and One Health leadership endeavors through the early 1st decade and three years into the second of the 21st century.
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