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Development of an Integrated Platform for Nanoparticles Analysis(DIPNA)
European Action Plan for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies(Cordis)
A Journey into the World of Atoms and Molecules
A nanotecnologia e os impactes ambientais- por João Soares
Carta Aberta à Biologia Sintética
Ethics in Nanotechnology: Starting from Scratch?
Nanofood: lessons to be learnt from the debate on GM crops?
Nanomedicine - Techniques, Potentials and Ethical Implications
Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente - 1º Seminário Internacional
Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente - 2º Seminário Internacional
Nanotechnologies: A Preliminary Risk Analysis Organized by the European Commission
Neutralidade da Ciência, desencantamento do Mundo e Controle da Natureza
Principles for the Oversight of Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials
Pequeno Glossário de nanotecnologia
What can nanotechnology learn from the ethical and societal implications of biotechnology?
Livros em linha (online) gratuitos
Engines of Creation - The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
Unbounding the Future: the Nanotechnology Revolution
Antonietta Gatti
Gary Marchant
J. Storrs Hall
Justin Hall-Tipping
Mette Ebbesen
Nadrian Seeman
Ralph Merkle
Vicki Chandler
Advanced Cell Technology
Promethera BioSciences
Transhumanism (wiki)
Investigadores Transumanistas
Alain Carpentier
Craig Venter
Francis Collins
Ray Kurzweil
Shinya Yamanaka
Dossiês do BioTerra Relacionados