segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2009

Música do BioTerra: Cristina Branco - Tudo isto é fado

Letra: Frederico Carvalho
Música: Aníbal Nazaré
Concerto "Live", gravado no Leidsche Schouwburg Theater, Holanda, Julho de 2006
Cristina Branco - voz
Ricardo Dias - Piano
José Manuel Neto - guitarra portuguesa
Alexandre Silva - guitarra
Fernando Maia - baixo
António do Lago Pinto - guitarra

Tudo isto é fado
"Perguntaste-me outro dia
Se eu sabia o que era o fado
Disse-te que não sabia
Tu ficaste admirado
Sem saber o que dizia
Eu menti naquela hora
Disse-te que não sabia
Mas vou-te dizer agora

Almas vencidas
Noites perdidas
Sombras bizarras
Na Mouraria
Canta um rufia
Choram guitarras
Amor ciúme
Cinzas e lume
Dor e pecado
Tudo isto existe
Tudo isto é triste
Tudo isto é fado

Se queres ser o meu senhor
E teres-me sempre a teu lado
Não me fales só de amor
Fala-me também do fado
E o fado é o meu castigo
Só nasceu pra me perder
O fado é tudo o que digo
Mais o que eu não sei dizer"

Hidrozoários do Oceano Profundo | Hydrozoa from Deep Ocean

Fotografias por Ph.D.» Kevin Raskoff

Passando o rato pelas imagens pode saber a espécie ou género de cada ser vivo
Ver Publications and Curriculum Vitae

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Hoje faço (43) anos - partilho convosco um tema fabuloso de Lisa Gerrard: Space Weaver

Prometo não usar velas: primeiro são menos eficientes que as próprias lâmpadas incandescentes (!) e fluorescentes [ler este artigo com os respectivos cálculos] e segundo já começam a ser muitas para apagar (risos).

Prefiro mesmo ouvir boa música, em boa companhia e estar com amigos e viver um bom dia.

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Curta-metragem naturalista- Dan Bishop

Maravilhoso, com detalhes magníficos. Muito tocante. O que me atraiu na pesquisa de vídeos youtube foi a fotografia dos frutos brancos do Juniperus e depois ao ver todo o filme, encontrei uma Paz, que sinto também quando estou em Jardins, Parques e em contacto com a Natureza.

quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009

Ecologist founder Edward Goldsmith dies at age 81

Fonte: The Ecologist 26th August, 2009

Edward Goldsmith, the founder of the Ecologist and one of the world's foremost green thinkers, has died at the age of 81

Goldsmith ( known almost universally as Teddy) had been suffering from a long-term illness and died peacefully in his sleep on Friday 21st August. He is survived by his second wife, Katherine Goldsmith, and five children.

Teddy's long and eventful life saw him found the Ecologist in 1970 and edit it for twenty years, run as a People Party (later to become the Green Party) political candidate for Suffolk in the general election of 1973, and publish a string of books (the most well known of which is A Blueprint for Survival ), written in collaboration with the first Ecologist editorial team and published in 1972 to great acclaim.

Teddy's signature legacy has been to promote the importance of systems ( and ecological thinking within the environmental movement, and to highlight the importance of learning from indigenous peoples and tribal societies ) ideas that were considered highly heretical when he mooted them in 1970s.

His later books, including what some consider to be his magnum opus, The Way: an Ecological Worldview, attempted to fuse anthropology, religion and science to develop a hybrid understanding of man's relationship to the natural world.

Teddy's nephew and director of the Ecologist, Zac Goldsmith said:
Teddy was a huge figure for me personally, and a key figure historically. A pioneer of the green movement, he was responsible perhaps more than anyone else for waking us up from our collective slumber. He was determined, brave, utterly inspiring, stubborn and more often than not, he was right.

Colin Hines, a contemporary of Teddy and a pioneer of the localisation movement, said:
My abiding memory of Teddy was of his good nature (most of the time!), his wonderful storytelling and the fact that he was innately a ‘gentleman’ in all the best senses of that word - a word of another era - as in a way was he.

Mark Anslow, editor of the Ecologist, said:
We live and breathe Teddy's legacy every day. His rigorous thought processes and endlessly interrogative approach to environmental issues help guide the Ecologist's editorial process: never taking developments at face value, and always asking the bigger, wider questions. He will be fondly remembered, and sorely missed.

See also

quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009

Mimestismos vegetais e animais -trabalho educativo de Kjell Sandved

2703 45A 33A 55A

Butterfly Wing Detail
"Hamlet's Skull"
Angoloa Orchids
"Nah-Nah, Na-Nah-Nah"
Four O'Clock Flower
"Sly fox"
Nymphalid butterfly

48A 2704 2726 3170
"Bad Hair Day"
Epidendrum Orchid

Brush-footed butterfly
"Squiggly sperm"
Silm worm moth
Assam sphinx moth

32A 2781 37A 18A
"Beautiful Brown Eyes"
Satumid Butterfly
"China Doll"
Lackhartia Orchid
"Scaredy Cat"
Leaf sculptured by hungry caterpillar
Virginia, U.S.
"Smiley Face"
Brush-Footed Butterfly

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