(Cecília Meireles, de seu primeiro livro)
Plena mata. Silencio. Nem um pio
De ave ou bulir de folha. Unicamente
Ao longe, em suspiros murmúrio,
Do Ganges rola a fulgida serpente.
Sem ter no pétreo corpo um arrepio,
Nu, braços no ar, de joelhos, fartamente,
Esparsa a barba ao peito, na silente
Mata, o Brâmane sonha. Pelo estio,
Ao sol, que os céus abrasa e o chão calcina,
Impassível, a silaba divina
Murmura... E a cólera hibernal do vento
Não ousa à barba estremecer um fio
Do esquelético hindu, rígido e frio,
Que contempla, extasiado, o firmamento.
Cecília Meireles
In: Espectros (1919)
Children of the Sun
[Dead Can Dance]
As ancient as the sun
We came from the ocean
Once our ancestral home
So that one day
We could all return
To our birthright
The great celestial dome
We are the children of the sun
Our journey's just begun
Sunflowers in our hair
We are the children of the sun
There is room for everyone
Sunflowers in our hair
Throughout the ages
Of iron, bronze, and stone
We marvelled at the night sky
And what may lie beyond
We burned our frames
To the elemental ones
Made sacrifices
For beauty, peace and love
We are the children of the sun
Our kingdom will come
Sunflowers in our hair
We are the children of the sun
Our carnival's began
Our songs will fill the air
And you know it's time
To look for reasons why
Just reach up and touch the sky
To the heavens we will sing
We are the children of the sun
Our journey has begun
Are we older children
Come out at night
And even soulless
Great hunger in their eyes
Unaware of the beauty
That sleeps tonight
And all the queen's horses
And all the king's men
Will never put these children back
Together again
Faith, hope, our charities
Breathe slow, our enemies
We are the children of the sun
We are the children of the sun
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