domingo, 20 de agosto de 2023

Música do BioTerra: Clan of Xymox - Medusa

Minha arte digital

I have seen the lights in your eyes
And now
I am glorifying my tragic destiny
Dreams can be wholesome for me
Life is a tormented dream for me

Mesmerize me, enchant me
Mesmerize with your eyes, now

Enchant me, hypnotize me
Enchant me, mesmerize me
Enchant me, hypnotize me
I found the lies in your words
And now
I am glorifying my tragic destiny

Dreams can be hard and mean
I still wonder if you are aware of this
Dreams can be hard and mean
Life is a tormented time, now

Medusa, Medusa
Enchant me, mesmerize me

My digital art based in Medusa song by Clan of Xymox

Ouvir também:
Capicua - "Medusa" com Valete (Beat: Roger Plexico) - Letra Video

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Freelancer disse...

Download clan of cymox here :
Full album discography. Link still on. And find another musician there.