Os Catalães da ONG Som Lo que Sembrem, compilaram e disponibilizam para consulta uma série de artigos científicos sobre efeitos dos OGM.
A acrescentar à enorme base artigos já compilados pela ONG Portuguesa, Plataforma Transgénicos Fora A bibliografia aumenta. Que risco que desejamos correr? E para o ambiente?
A acrescentar à enorme base artigos já compilados pela ONG Portuguesa, Plataforma Transgénicos Fora A bibliografia aumenta. Que risco que desejamos correr? E para o ambiente?
MON 810 i altres plantes Bt | ||
Títol | Autor/a | Descàrrega |
Intestinal and Peripheral Immune Response to MON810 Maize Ingestion in Weaning and Old Mice - 2008 | Alberto Finamore | finamore08.pdf |
Biological effects of transgenic maize NK603xMON810 fed in long term reproduction studies in mice - 2008 | Alberta Velimirov | forschungsbericht_3-2008(1).pdf |
Effects on health and environment of transgenic (or GM) Bt brinjal - 2009 | Gilles-Eric Seralini | SeraliniberenjenaIndia.pdf |
New Analysis of a Rat Feeding Study with a Genetically Modified Maize Reveals Signs of Hepatorenal Toxicity - 2007 | Gilles-Eric Seralini | Seralinietal2007.pdf |
A three-year longitudinal study on the effects of a diet containing genetically modified Bt176 maize on the health status and performance of sheep - 2008 | Massimo Trabalza-Marinucci | Trabalzaetal2008Bt176ovejas.pdf |
Evaluation of stress- and immune-response biomarkers in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., fed different levels of genetically modified maize (Bt maize), compared with its near-isogenic parental line and a commercial suprex maize - 2007 | A. Sagstad | maizBtsalmon.pdf |
A three generation study with genetically modified Bt corn in rats: Biochemical and histopathological investigation - 2008 | Aysun Kılıc, M. Turan Akay | Kilic&Akay08BtMaizeFeedingStudy.pdf |
Safety assessment of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis VIP insecticidal protein gene by feeding studies - 2007 - Food and Chemical Toxicology
| Donghai Peng | Peng07FCT(BtVIP).pdf |
Characterization of the mucosal and systemic immune response induced by Cry1Ac protein from Bacillus thuringiensis HD 73 in mice - 2000 - Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research |
| Vasquez00BJMBR.pdf |
Protoxin from Bacil.lus thuringiensis sp. kurstaki HD 73 binds to surface proteins in the mouse small intestine - 2000 - Biochemical and Byophysical Research communication
| Vasquez00BBRC.pdf |
Detection of corn intrinsic and recombinant DNA fragments and Cry1Ab protein in the gastrointestinal contents of pigs fed genetically modified corn Bt11
2003. 81:2546-2551 |
E. H. Chowdhury, H. Kuribara, A. Hino, P. Sultana, O. Mikami, N.
Shimada, K. S. Guruge,
M. Saito and Y. Nakajima
J Anim Sci
| detecciopanisBt11tocinosChowdury.pdf |
Tracing residual recombinant feed molecules during digestion and rumen bacterial diversity in cattle fed transgene maize | Ralf Einspanier · Bodo Lutz · Stefanie Rief · Oksana Berezina · Vladimir Zverlov · Wolfgang Schwarz · Johann Mayer | detecciopanisBt176vaquesEinspanier.pdf |
Soja transgènica | ||
Títol | Autor/a | Descàrrega |
A long-term study on female mice fed on a genetically modiWed soybean: eVects on liver ageing - 2008 | Manuela Malatesta | fetgeratessojaMalatesta2008(2).pdf |
Ultrastructural analysis of pancreatic acinar cells from mice fed on genetically modified soybean - 2002 | Manuela Malatesta | Malatestaetal2002b.pdf |
Ultrastructural analysis of testes from mice fed on genetically modified soybean - 2004 | L. Vecchio | Vecchioetal2004.pdf |
Ultrastructural morphometrical and inmunocy tochemical analyses of hepatocyte nuclei from mice fed on genetically modified soybean - 2002 | Manuela Malatesta | Malatesta2002.pdf |
Pancreatic response of rats fed genetically modified soybean - 2008 | Javier A. Magaña-Gómez | Magañaetal2008.pdf |
Proteomic sensitivity to dietary manipulations - 2003 - Biochimica and Biophysica Acta | Martin | Martin03BBA(feedingtrout).pdf |
Herbicida Roundup associat a les plantes tolerants aquest herbicida (soja transgènica) | ||
Títol | Autor/a | Descàrrega |
Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase - 2005 | Sophie Richard | Richardetal2005Roundup.pdf |
Glyphosate Formulations Induce Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Umbilical, Embryonic, and Placental Cells - 2009 | Nora Benachour / Gilles-Eric Seralini | SeraliniBenachour09.pdf |
Time- and Dose-Dependent Effects of Roundup on Human Embryonic and Placental Cells - 2007 | N. Benachour | Glyphosate.pdf |
Efectes alergènics i tòxics d'altres transgènics (patates, pèsols etc..) | ||
Títol | Autor/a | Descàrrega |
Transgenic Expression of Bean r-Amylase Inhibitor in Peas Results in Altered Structure and Immunogenicity - 2005 | Vanessa E. Prescott | Prescottetal2005.pdf |
Genetically Modified Foods: Potential Human Healt Effects - 2003 | A. Pusztai | Pusztaietal2003.pdf |
Nutritional assessment of genetically modified rapeseed synthesizing high amounts of mid-chain fatty acids including production responses of growing-finishing pigs Archives of Animal Nutrition August 2007; 61(4): 308 – 316 | HARTWIG BOHME1, EIKE RUDLOFF2, FRIEDRICH SCHONE3 | Bohmeetal2007.pdf |
GM (gna lectin) rice fed rats: Poulsen at all - 2007 | ||
Fine Structural Changes in the Ileum of Mice Fed on d Endotoxin-Treated Potatoes and Transgenic Potatoes - 1998 | Nagui H. Fares and Adel K. El-Sayed | Fares&ElSayed1998.pdf |
Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine - 1999 | Stanley WB Ewen. Arpad Pusztai | articlePusztai.pdf |
Mutacions genètiques en el procès de fabricació del transgènics i la impredictibilitat de les plantes OGM en la interacció amb l'entorn | ||
Títol | Autor/a | Descàrrega |
Characterisation of 30 transgene insertion site and derived mRNAs in MON810 YieldGard maize - 2008 | Alessio Rosati | Rosati2008.pdf |
Detection of RNA variants transcribed from the transgene in Roundup Ready soybean - 2005 | Andreas Rang | Rangetal2005.pdf |
The Mutational Consequences of Plant Transformation - 2006 | Jonathan R. Latham | Lathametal2006.pdf |
Valoracions generals del risc i altres problemes dels transgènics relacionats amb la salut humana i animal | ||
Títol | Autor/a | Descàrrega |
A different perspective on GM food - 2002 | David Schubert | Schubert2002.pdf |
The Problem with Nutritionally Enhanced Plants - 2008 | David Schubert | Schubert2008.pdf |
In vivo studies on possible health consequences of genetically modified food and feed—with particular regard to ingredients consisting of genetically modified plant materials - 2003 | Ian f. Pryme / Rolf Lembcke | Pryme&Lembcke2003.pdf |
Health risks of genetically modified foods - 1999 | The Lancet | Lancet1999.pdf |
Protecting the Food Supply in an Era of Pharmaceutical and Industrial Crops - 2004 | David Andow | pharmacrops.pdf |
Critically important antibacterial agents for human medicine for risk management strategies of non-human use - 2005 | Canberra - Australia | InformeWHO_genes_marcadores2005.pdf |
Presence of the antibiotic resistance marker gene nptII in GM plants for food and feed uses - 2007 | European Medicines Agency | InformeEMEA_genesmarcadores2007.pdf |
Biotechnological, molecular and ecophysiological aspects of nutrition - 2003 | A.Puztai and S. Bardocz | Pusztai03FoodSafety-book.pdf |
Genetically modified foods: Potential Human Health Effects - 2006 | A. Puztai - S. Bardocz - S.W.B. Ewen | Pusztai06BiolNutr-book.pdf |
Transformation-induced mutations in transgenic plants: analysis and biosafety implications - 2006 - Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews | Allison Wilson | Wilson06BGER.pdf |
Genome Scrambling - Myth or Reality? Transformation-Induced Mutations in Transgenic Crop Plants - 2004 | Allison Wilson - Jonathan Latham - Ricarda Steinbrecher | Wilson04-Econexus.pdf |
Health Risks of GM Foods: Many Opinions but Few Data - 2000 - Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Vol. 288. no. 5472, pp. 1748 - 1749 DOI: 10.1126/science.288.5472.1748 Letters | Jose Luis Domingo | Domingo2000.doc |
Toxicity Studies of Genetically Modified Plants: A Review of the Published Literature - 2007 - Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
47:721–733 | Jose Luis Domingo | Domingo2007.pdf |
Secondary metabolism and the risks of GMOs - 1999 - Department of Biology, University of York | Richard D. Firn, Clive G. Jones | Finn&Jones1999.pdf |
Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods - 2009 - Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 49:164–175 | Artemis Dona, Ioannnis S. Arvanitoyannis | Dona&Arvanitoyannis2009.pdf |
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