Detalhes da construção do Projecto [ligação]
As páginas deste livro estão repletas de poemas, extractos de diários, e canções, escritas por crianças que morreram em Auschwitz, com o poema principal é" A Borboleta ", de Pavel Friedmann, que tinha 13 anos quando o escreveu", disse o artista ao Huffington Post no Reino Unido.
The Butterfly
As páginas deste livro estão repletas de poemas, extractos de diários, e canções, escritas por crianças que morreram em Auschwitz, com o poema principal é" A Borboleta ", de Pavel Friedmann, que tinha 13 anos quando o escreveu", disse o artista ao Huffington Post no Reino Unido.
The Butterfly
The last, the very last,
So richly, brightly, dazzlingly yellow
Perhaps if the sun’s tears would sing
against a white stone…
So richly, brightly, dazzlingly yellow
Perhaps if the sun’s tears would sing
against a white stone…
Such, such a yellow
Is carried lightly ‘way up high.
It went away I’m sure because it wished to
kiss the world goodbye.
Is carried lightly ‘way up high.
It went away I’m sure because it wished to
kiss the world goodbye.
For seven weeks I’ve lived in here,
Penned up inside this ghetto
But I have found my people here.
The dandelions call to me
And the white chestnut candles in the court.
Only I never saw another butterfly.
Penned up inside this ghetto
But I have found my people here.
The dandelions call to me
And the white chestnut candles in the court.
Only I never saw another butterfly.
That butterfly was the last one.
Butterflies don’t live in here,
In the ghetto.
Butterflies don’t live in here,
In the ghetto.
Quanto a Yossi Raichik, pai de seis filhos, faleceu por complicações pulmonares, aos 54 anos [notícia, Setembro 2008]. Deixou-nos um grande legado e um projecto Chabad’s Children of Chernobyl (CCOC)
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