
segunda-feira, 30 de outubro de 2006

Abraçar árvores

Manifesto registado em fotografia em que várias pessoas se deixam fotografar a abraçar e beijar as árvores.

Abracé al árbol con cariño,
como quien lo despierta.
Después con más fuerza, fusionándome.
Los pies en las raíces,
rostro, pecho, vientre, sexo y piernas
pegados a su tronco,
lo abrazaba tiernamente
con las palmas abiertas.

Sentí mi propia respiración.
Tomé pulso de mi sangre
para sintonizar con la sangre del árbol.
Se fueron transformando
mis cabellos en hojas,
en tronco mi cintura, los brazos en ramaje,
mis pies en entrañadas raíces .
Y sentí por todo mi ser
una energía bienhechora
que ascendía por la tierra,
que bajaba de los cielos.

De repente
dejé de sentir mi yo:
y fuí árbol, sólo árbol,
pura energía cósmica.

Leonardo Boff
Mais Cinco Poemas de Amor às Árvores

domingo, 29 de outubro de 2006

Dossiê Química, Bioquímica e Farmácia

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The Sceptical Chymist

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sábado, 28 de outubro de 2006

Bioética Profunda por José Roberto Goldim

Por um lado questiono porquê tanta incompreensão? Porquê tanto isolamento? Para quê e porquê infligir dor ao outro? Que limites à dor nos animais humanos e não-humanos? Que limites nas opções individuais e colectivas? Que limites à vontade de imortalidade por parte do Homem? Quais os limites em desafiar as fronteiras biológicas? Quais os limites da moral? Será a Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade capazes de sentido ético? O que é comunicar éticamente? O que é agir éticamente?
Por outro lado que implicações têm as nossas opções e vontades nos equilíbrios ecológicos? É graças a um mecanismo de regulação permanente dos ecossistemas que nenhuma espécie de térmitas nunca conseguiu transformar o planeta inteiro numa termiteira.Ora numa época da História em que precisamente o crescimento da população humana é exponencial e apresenta um desenvolvimento baseado numa perspectiva dominadora e já descobrimos há muito tempo a finitude da Terra, será que a Qualidade de Vida apenas se restringe apenas às leis da oferta e da procura?
Finalmente a perspectiva conservacionista do ambiente é mesmo um entrave ao desenvolvimento económico ou é exactamente o contrário?

Que relação tem isto tudo com Bioética? Que perspectivas interessantes nos dará para as questões anteriores? Que contributos está a dar ao ambientalismo, à educação ambiental e ao ecologismo?

Seguem-se duas importantes propostas para reflexão.

[1] Artigo Comunicação Somática e Bioética, 2004, por Manuel José Lopes da Silva,Universidade Nova de Lisboa

[2] A Evolução da Definição de Bioética na Visão de Van Rensselaer Potter 1970 a 1998

A melhor maneira de entender o que é Bioética talvez seja acompanhar a evolução de sua definição ao longo do tempo. O Prof. Van Rensselaer Potter propôs, em 1998, que a Bioética está atualmente no seu terceiro estágio de desenvolvimento. Caracterizou o primeiro estágio como sendo o da Bioética Ponte, o segundo como o da Bioética Global e o terceiro, e atual, como o da Bioética Profunda.
A proposta original da palavra Bioética, feita em 1970, pelo Prof. Van Rensselaer Potter, tinha uma grande preocupação com a interação do problema ambiental às questões de saúde. Suas idéias baseavam-se nas propostas do Prof. Aldo Leopold, especialmente na sua Ética da Terra. Atualmente, esta primeira proposta é classificada por ele próprio como Bioética Ponte, especialmente pela característica interdisciplinar que foi utilizada como base de suas idéias. Esta primeira reflexão incluía um grande questionamento sobre a repercussão da visão de progresso existente na década de 1960. O termo Bioética, ainda durante a década de 1970, devido à crescente repercussão dos avanços na área da saúde, foi sendo utilizado em um sentido mais estrito. Estas propostas foram feitas, especialmente, pelo Prof. Warren Reich e pelo Prof. LeRoy Walters, ambos vinculados ao Instituto Kennedy de Ética, da Universidade Georgetown/Washington DC, e Prof. David Roy, do Canadá. Estes autores restringiram esta reflexão apenas às questões de assistência e pesquisa em saúde. Outros autores, como o Prof. Guy Durant, do Canadá, também assumiram esta posição ao longo da década de 1980, mantendo a base interdisciplinar da proposta original. Esta visão restritiva foi incorporada pela base de dados Bioethicsline, que consolida a produção de conhecimento na área de Bioética. O Prof. Warren Reich reiterou, em 1995 sua perspectiva para o termo, incorporando à sua proposta de Bioética as perspectivas interdisciplinar, pluralista e sistemática.
Em 1988, o Prof. Potter reiterou as suas idéias iniciais criando a Bioética Global. O Prof. Potter entendia o termo global como sendo uma proposta abrangente, que englobasse todos os aspectos relativos ao viver, isto é, envolvia a saúde e a questão ecológica. O Prof. Tristran Engelhardt defendeu a proposta de que a Bioética é uma proposta pluralista. Esta proposta também teve diferentes interpretações. Alguns autores, como os Profs. Alastair V. Campbel e Solly Benatar entenderam o termo global não no sentido de abrangente, desde o ponto de vista interdisciplinar, mas como uma visão uniforme e homogênea em termos mundiais, enquadrando-a no processo de globalização. Ou seja, que seria estabelecido um único paradigma filosófico para o enfoque das questões morais na área da saúde, caracterizando uma nova forma de "imperialismo".
Com o objetivo de resgatar a sua reflexão original, o o Prof. Potter propôs, em 1998, a nova definição de Bioética Profunda, em 1998. Esta denominação foi utilizada pela primeira vez pelo Prof. Peter J. Whitehouse, aplicando à Bioética o conceito de Ecologia Profunda, do filósofo norueguês Arne Naess. Esta proposta abrangente e humanizadora da Bioética já vinha sendo defendida por outros autores, tal como o Prof. André Comte-Sponville. Em 2001 o Programa Regional de Bioética, vinculado a Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde (OPAS) definiu bioética igualmente de forma ampla, incluíndo a vida, a saúde e o ambiente como área de reflexão.
O fundamental notar como é importante para Potter manter na Bioética as características fundamentais - ampla abrangência, pluralismo, interdisciplinaridade, abertura e incorporação crítica de novos conhecimentos - em todas as suas propostas de definições.

Mais bibliografia

Potter V.R. Palestra apresentada em vídeo no IV Congresso Mundial de Bioética. Tóquio/Japão: 4 a 7 de novembro de 1998. Texto publicado em O Mundo da Saúde 1998;22(6):370-374.
Campbel A.V. Bioética Global: sonho ou pesadelo ? O Mundo da Saúde 1998;22(6):366-369.
Benatar S. Imperialism, research ethics and global health, J Med Ethics 1998;24(4):221-222.
Frontier,S. Os Ecossistemas .2001. Ed.Instituto Piaget

sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2006

Dossiê Ecologia Profunda, Ética Ambiental e Bioética Profunda

ATENÇÃO © Copyleft - É permitida a partilha do dossiê exclusivamente para fins não comerciais e desde que o autor e o BioTerra sejam citados.
credits Peter Max
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Prémio Right Livelihood

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AGAPAN - Associação Gaúcha de Proteção ao Ambiente Natural
Alliance for Wild Ethics
Answers to Ecology
Associação Portuguesa de Aconselhamento Ético e Filosófico
Associação Portuguesa de Bioetica
Escola Schumacher Brasil
ISEE – International Society for Environmental Ethics
The Work That Reconnects Network

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NOVA ATENÇÃO © COPYRIGHT-  Ao partilhar, agradeço atempadamente a indicação do autor e do meu blogue Bioterra. Estes dossiês resultam de um apurado trabalho de pesquisa, selecção de qualidade e organização.

quinta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2006

Parabéns aos premiados do 2006 RIGHT LIVELIHOOD AWARDS


The 2006 Right Livelihood Awards go to:

Chico Whitaker
Chico Whitaker Ferreira (Brazil) Honorary Award
"…for a lifetime's dedicated work for social justice that has strengthened democracy in Brazil and helped give birth to the World Social Forum, showing that 'another world is possible'".

Daniel EllsbergPhoto: Jock McDonald
Daniel Ellsberg (USA)
"...for putting peace and truth first, at considerable personal risk, and dedicating his life to inspiring others to follow his example."

Ruth Manorama
Ruth Manorama (India)
"...for her commitment over decades to achieving equality for Dalit women, building effective and committed women's organisations and working for their rights at national and international levels."

The Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín (Colombia)
"…for showing how creativity, beauty, free expression and community can flourish amongst and overcome even deeply entrenched fear and violence."

quarta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2006

Vitorino Nemésio- O CÃO ATÓMICO


Este cão tem folhas nas orelhas,
com quatro talos
mas o que este cão deveria ter era calos,
e só tem olhos e ossos
e morrinha num dente!
Mas, meu Deus, este cão
quase o diria meu irmão
parece gente!

Este cão é redondo.
Está deitado, rosna com gengivas de uivo.
Dizem-me que foi lobo,
mas perdeu a alcateia
como os homens perderam a razão,
que hoje serve de osso ao cão
escapou ao cogumelo nuclear,
e por isso se foi deitar.

Para saberes mais: 
Dossier Não ao Nuclear
Dossier Eficiência Energética

terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2006

Mais de 50000 visitas!!! Abraços e beijos doces

Echo & the Bunnymen - Lips Like Sugar

Por acaso fui ver o número de visitas e fiquei encantado: o BioTerra ultrapassou os 50.000 visitantes.OBRIGADO.
A todos os meus leitores estou profundamente agradecido.
Em retribuição de tanto carinho ofereço-vos um video muito bonito (um tema bem romântico) de uma banda que eu gosto imenso, Echo & the Bunnymen e ainda canto-vos um poema meu, escrito esta semana!!!
Abraços e beijos doces

Queria um dia
ser azul despido
o vento
uma folha,
uma paisagem
uma romã,
um lobo ibérico
um leão na savana
uma castanha redonda nos lábios
uma ave do paraíso
queria esse dia
e sem mágoa
me sentir
apenas um irmão
entre a Vida

segunda-feira, 23 de outubro de 2006

Irmã Europa- A Carta Europeia da Cidadania Activa

The Psychedelic Furs - Sister Europe

Sister Europe

stupid on the steinway
so sick upon a steinway
the sailors drown
see them talk and see them drown
and see them drink and fall around
upon the floor
sister of mine, home again
sister of mine, home again
lonely in a crowded room
the radio plays out of tune
so silently
the radio upon the floor
is stupid it plays aznavour
so out of key
sister of mine
home again
sister of mine
home again
broken on a ship of fools
even dreams must fall to rules
so stupidly
words are all just useless sound
just like cards they fall around
and we will be
sister of mine
home again
sister of mine
home again
buy a car and watch it rust
sister see them fall to dust
they fall around
in another crowded room
paint me like the shirt i'm in
sister of mine
home again

Carta Europeia da Cidadania Activa
Após a conferência final em Viena em Maio passado, o esboço da Carta foi revisto com o contributo das observações feitas ao longo daquele evento. Já é possível descarregar da Internet a versão revista e respectiva tradução nas línguas dos diversos parceiros nacionais: Alemão, Checo, Esloveno, Italiano, Maltês, Polaco, Português, Romeno e Turco. Se tiver conhecimento de alguma cooperação digna de nota entre uma organização cívica e uma instituição pública, convidamo-lo animadamente a enviar-nos alguma informação ilustrativa de forma a enriquecer a nossa base de dados sobre participação cívica.

Passaporte Europeu para a Democracia

domingo, 22 de outubro de 2006

Calendário de Acidentes Nucleares (até 1996)

Arquivo da Greenpeace
Todas as postagens sobre o sucedido em Hiroshima e Nagasaki no BioTerra
Ver  ainda Dossier Bioterra Não ao Nuclear

Painting: Melancholy, Atomic, Uranic Idyll, Salvador Dalí, oil on canvas (1945)

Below is a calendar that shows the threat that humanity faces from the atom bomb and the nuclear fuel cycle. This calendar gives some examples of the everyday nuclear incidents that have occurred all over the world. It demonstrates how technological failures coupled with human error risk public health and the environment on an almost daily basis.

1-1992: Four tons of heavy water spilt at Rajasthan nuclear power plant (India)
2-1993: Leak at Kozloduy nuclear power plant, release of radioactive steam (Bulgaria)
31961: Explosion in reactor Idaho Falls (USA); three people killed
4-1965: 6.5 kg plutonium sludge released from Savannah River reprocessing plant (USA)
5-1976: Two workers killed by radioactive carbon dioxide at Bohunice nuclear power plant (Slovakia)
6-1981: Accident at La Hague reprocessing plant (France)
7-1974: Explosion at Leningrad nuclear power plant (Russia)
8-1975: Release of radioactivity from Mihama nuclear power plant (Japan)
9-1993: Radioactive release from leaking fuel rods at Perry nuclear power plant (USA)
10-1987: Nuclear transport accident in the UK
11-1985: In Heilbronn (Germany), a Pershing-II nuclear missile catches fire, three people killed
12-1960: Technicians trying to restart a reactor at Savannah River reprocessing plant almost send it out of control (USA)
13-1964: A B-52 plane crashes with nuclear bombs on board in Maryland (USA)
14-1969: USS Enterprise, nuclear aircraft-carrier, suffers fires and explosions, killing 28 crew members
15-1990: Loss of offsite power with multiple equipment failures at Dresden nuclear power plant (USA)
17-1966: A B-52 plane crashes in Spain causing plutonium contamination
18-1989: Eight workers are contaminated at Savannah River reprocessing plant (USA)
19-1992: Radioactive leak, reactor shut-down at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
20-1993: Technical failure at Paluel causes subcooling accident (France)
21-1969: Technical failure at Swiss experimental nuclear reactor causes release of radioactive water
22-1992: Technical failure in shut-down system at Balakovo nuclear power plant (Russia)
23- 1978: Radioactive helium released from Colorado reactor (USA)
24-1978: Soviet nuclear-powered satellite Cosmos-954 crashes in Canada
25-1982: Steam generator ruptures at R.E. Ginna nuclear power plant (USA)
26-1988: Dangerous temperature rise in a nuclear reactor on board a British submarine
27-1992: Leak causes a shut-down at Darlington nuclear power plant (Canada)
28-1990: Pump failure during a shut-down at Gravelines nuclear power plant (France)
29-1961: A B-52 plane carrying nuclear bombs crashes, the bombs do not explode but three of the eight crew members are killed (USA)
31-1996: Leakage of radiation due to human error and technical failure at Dimitrovgrad nuclear research centre (Russia)

1-1982: Release of 100 cubic metres of radioactive water from Salem nuclear power plant (USA)
2-1993: Breakdown of cooling system for two hours at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
3-1992: Failure of cooling pumps at Kozloduy nuclear power plant (Bulgaria)
5-1986: "Amber alert" (indicating an emergency in one building and a threat to the rest of the plant)" at Sellafield reprocessing plant, UK
6-1974: Explosion and radiation leak at Leningrad nuclear power plant, three people killed (Russia)
8-1991: Release of radioactivity from Fukui nuclear power plant (Japan)
9-1991: Rupture of steam generator pipe causes release of radioactivity at Mihama nuclear power plant (Japan)
10-1992: Technical failure in pump system at Zaporozhe nuclear power plant (Ukraine)
11-1986: Release of 13 tonnes of radioactive carbon dioxide from Transfynydd nuclear power plant (UK)
12-1968: A B-52 plane with nuclear bombs on board crashes near Toronto (Canada)
13-1960: First French nuclear test
15-1993: Spillage of 18,000 litres of heavy water at Darlington nuclear power plant (Canada)
16-1973: Container filled with Cobalt-60 lost in the North Sea
17-1984: Accident at Kozloduy nuclear power plant (Bulgaria)
18-1988: Report of core melt in the nuclear reactor of the Soviet Ice-Breaker "Rossiya"
19-1986: Three workers suffer contamination at the Sellafield reprocessing plant (UK)
20-1990: Eight employees receive radiation exposure at Point Lepreau (Canada)
21-1976: Accident at Bohunice nuclear power plant (Slovakia)
22-1993: High pressure steam accident kills one worker and injures two others at Fukushima nuclear power plant (Japan)
23-1981: Accidental explosion of a Pershing-II missile in Germany
24-1972: Accident on board Soviet nuclear-powered submarine causes vessel to lose all power
25-1983: Failure of automatic shut-down at Salem nuclear power plant (USA)
26-1988: Increased levels of radioactivity at Bohunice nuclear power plant (Slovakia)
27-1983: Nuclear powered satellite falls into the Indian Ocean
28-1992: Software failure in the control computer at Embalse nuclear power plant (Argentina)

1-1954: Fall-out of US nuclear weapons test "Bravo" contaminates the inhabitants of the Pacific island of Rongelap.
2-1994: Breakdown of cooling system at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
3-1992: Technical failure at Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (Russia)
4-1977: Kozloduy nuclear power plant affected by an earthquake (Bulgaria)
6-1985: Emergency cooling system out of order at the Grohnde nuclear power plant (Germany)
8-1972: Radioactive water has to be pumped out of the Indian Point nuclear power plant (USA)
9-1992: Fire at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
10-1956: A B-47 plane disappears with nuclear weapons on board in the Atlantic Ocean
11-1958: A B-47 plane loses nuclear bomb in South Carolina (USA)
12-1981: Tornado washes nuclear waste from Moruroa into the lagoon (Pacific)
13-1986: US nuclear submarine runs aground and suffers damage
14-1961: A B-52 plane crashes with nuclear bombs on board in California (USA)
15-1989: Technical failure of fuel roads at Pickering nuclear power plant (Canada)
17-1984: Emergency cooling system at San Onofere nuclear power plant fails (USA)
18-1987: Fire and release of radioactivity at Australian nuclear research facility
20-1977: Temperature increase at Rancho Seco nuclear power plant (USA)
21-1984: Soviet nuclear submarine collides with US aircraft carrier "Kitty Hawk"
22-1975: Fire in reactor at Browns Ferry nuclear power plant (USA)
24-1992: Incident with radiation leakage, shut-down of reactor at Leningrad nuclear power plant (Russia)
25-1992: Technical failure at Leningrad nuclear power plant (Russia)
26-1991: Refuelling accident at Wuergassen nuclear power plant (Germany)
28-1979: Partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant (USA)
29-1992: Failure of shut-down system at Ignalina nuclear power plant (Lithuania)
31-1992: Automatic shut-down due to failure of pump system at Kalinin nuclear power plant (Russia)

1-1989: Control rod failure at Gravelines nuclear power plant (France)
2-1979: Two workers suffer radioactive contamination at Tokaimura nuclear complex (Japan)
3-1960: Melting of fuel elements cause a release of radioactivity at the Test Reactor at Waltz Mills (USA)
6-1993: Explosion at the Tomsk-7 nuclear complex (Russia)
7-1992: Failure of automatic shut-down system at Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (Russia)
8-1989: Soviet nuclear submarine "Komsomolets" sinks off Norway
9-1981: US-nuclear submarine "George Washington" crashes against a freighter ship
10-1963: US-nuclear submarine sinks with 123 crew members in the Atlantic
11-1950: A B-29 plane crashes in New Mexico, thirteen people killed.
12-1970: Soviet nuclear submarine sinks in the Atlantic
13-1979: Fire in the generator of the Baersbeck nuclear power plant (Sweden)
14-1970: Soviet nuclear submarine sinks with 52 crew members in Indian ocean
15-1983: Incident at Turkey Point nuclear power plant (USA)
16-1992: Technical failure of reactor shut-down system at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
17-1970: Incident involving a vehicle at a French nuclear test site in the South Pacific causes a plutonium spillage into the ocean.
18-1992: Technical failure during refuelling at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
19-1984: Technical failure at Sequoyah nuclear power plant causes spillage of radioactive coolant water. (USA)
20-1973: Thousands of cubic meters of radioactive waste flow out of Hanford nuclear weapons complex (USA)
21-1964: US-satellite disperses 1.2.kg plutonium into the atmosphere.
22-1983: Reactor shut-down due to failure of fuel rods at Kursk nuclear power plant (Russia)
23-1991: Lost of offsite power cause technical failure at "Vermont Yankee" nuclear submarine (USA)
25-1990: Flooding of building due to increase of coolant level at Bohunice nuclear power plant (Slovakia)
26-1986: Explosion of reactor 4 at Chernobyl nuclear power plant; the worst civilian nuclear accident to date.
28-1988: Release of 5000 Curies of tritium gas from the Bruyere le Chatel military nuclear complex (France)
29-1986: US-nuclear submarine "Atlanta" hits the ground off Gibralta
30-1992: Breakdown of cooling system at Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (Russia)

1-1992: Technical failure at Ignalina nuclear power plant (Lithuania)
2-1979: Technical fault at the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant triggers emergency shut-down (USA)
3-1974: Leakage at Hanford nuclear weapons complex (USA)
4-1986: Release of radiation from Hamm-Uentrop nuclear power plant (Germany)
5-1987: Pershing nuclear missile ends up in a ditch after a transport accident at Heilbronn (Germany)
6-1989: Fire of pump equipment at Bohunice nuclear power plant (Slovakia)
7-1992: Failure of emergency system at Smolensk nuclear power plant (Russia)
8-1964: First Chinese nuclear test
9-1992: Technical failure of cooling system at Hatch nuclear power plant (USA)
10-1965: Release of eight cubic metres of cooling water from Savannah River reprocessing plant (USA)
11-1969: Fire at Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant causes plutonium to spontaneously ignite. (USA)
12-1984: Uncontrolled power surge at Bohunice nuclear power plant (Slovakia)
13-1992: Tube leak causes a radioactive release of 12 Curies of radioactivity from Tarapur nuclear power station (India)
14-1986: The power lines to the Palo Verde nuclear power plant are sabotaged (USA)
16-1992: Reactor shut-down at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
17-1984: Fire on board the US-nuclear submarine "Guitarro"
18-1968: Accident during launch of US satellite, radioactive materials fall into ocean near Califiornia coast
20-1974: First Indian nuclear test
21-1968: US-nuclear submarine "Scorpion" sinks off the Acores, 99 people die
22-1957: Human error causes a B-36 plane to release a nuclear bomb in New Mexico
23-1958: Accident and release of radioactivity at the Chalk River experimental reactor (Canada)
24-1968: Incident on board of Soviet nuclear submarine "K- 27", 5 crew members killed by radiation release
26-1990: During refuelling, five cubic meters of radioactive water spilled at the Fessenheim nuclear power plant (France)
27-1993: Reactor shut-down due to breakdown of cooling system at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
28-1970: Collision of the US-nuclear submarine "Daniel Boone"

1-1991: Failure of core cooling system at Belleville nuclear power plant (France)
2-1992: Total failure of centralised control system at the Smolensk nuclear power plant (Russia)
3-1980: Computer fault causes full-scale alert for US Military Strategic Command
4-1989: Fire in the cables of the cooling pumps at the Bohunice nuclear power plant (Slovakia)
6-1994: Fire at Beloyarsk nuclear power plant (Russia)
7-1960: Fire in a BOMARC-rocket in New Jersey causes plutonium release into the atmosphere (USA)
8-1992: Failure of cooling system at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
9-1985: Malfunction in the cooling system at Davis Blesse nuclear power plant (USA)
10-1985: Collision of a British nuclear submarine off the coast of Florida (USA)
11-1989: Spent fuel element dropped in the storage pool and damaged at Kruemmel nuclear power plant (Germany)
15-1992: Technical failure at Sizewell nuclear power plant (UK)
16-1988: Technical failure at Zorita nuclear power plant (Spain)
17-1967: First Chinese hydrogen nuclear bomb test
18-1978: Release of two tons of radioactive steam from Brunsbuettel nuclear power plant (Germany)
19-1992: Leak in pipe conducting sea water to cooling system at Leningrad nuclear power plant (Russia)
20-1985 Collision of two trucks carrying nuclear bombs in Scotland (UK)
23-1986: Twelve people receive `slight' plutonium contamination while inspecting a store room at Tokaimura nuclear complex (Japan)
24-1992: Technical failure of control system at Leningrad nuclear power plant (Russia)
26-1989: Fire and reactor damage in a Soviet submarine
27-1985: Explosion and steam leakage killed 14 workers at Balakovo nuclear power plant (Russia)
29-1991: Power limited due to error between actual and indicated power at Pickering nuclear power plant(Canada).
30-1983: Total loss of coolant at Embalse nuclear power plant (Argentina)

1-1983: Technical failure causes release of Iodine-131 from Phillipsburg nuclear power plant (Germany)
2-1966: French nuclear testing in the South Pacific begins 3-1981: Fire at North Anna nuclear power plant (USA)
4-1961: Incident on board of Soviet nuclear submarine "K- 19", radiation release kills 9 crew members
6-1959: US plane carrying nuclear weapons crashes and catches on fire
9-1991: Flaw in cooling system at Wurgassen nuclear power plant (Russia)
10-1991: Leakage of radiation at Bilibino nuclear power plant (Russia)
12-1993: Failure of control system at Susquehanna nuclear power plant (USA)
14-1992: Reactor shut-down due to failure of cooling system at Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (Russia)
16-1945: First explosion of a nuclear bomb ("Trinity") in New Mexico (USA)
17-1991: Reactor shut-down due to break of control system at Sendai nuclear power plant (Japan)
18-1991: Steam leakage causes reactor shut-down at Paks nuclear power plant (Hungary)
20-1992: Leakage of radiation due to breakdown of cooling system at Ignalina nuclear power plant (Lithuania)
22-1992: Two workers contaminated at Dampierre nuclear power plant (France)
24-1989: Refuelling accident at Isar nuclear power plant (Germany)
25-1946: US nuclear test "Baker" causes unexpected plutonium contamination on target vessels
26-1992: Temperature rise in storage pool at Gravelines nuclear power plant (France)
27-1956: US plane crashes into nuclear ammunition storage in the UK
28-1957: US plane loses two nuclear bombs in the Atlantic
30-1986: Human error causes the nuclear warhead to be knocked off a Pershing rocket (Germany)
31-1993: Refuelling machine malfunctions at the Wylfa nuclear power plant (UK)

1-1983: An engineer receives a fatal radiation dose at a research reactor in Argentina
2-1987: Elevated radiation level after Soviet nuclear test
3-1983: Argentinean engineer dies from radiation dose received two days earlier
5-1950: B-29 plane with nuclear weapons on board crashes; 19 people killed (USA)
6-1945: Nuclear bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima
9-1945: Nuclear bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki
10-1985: Explosion on board a Soviet nuclear submarine
11-1988: Damage detected at Atucha nuclear power plant (Argentina)
14-1989: Instrumentation and control failure at Grand Gulf nuclear power plant (USA)
16-1991: Eight control rods show delays in emergency shut- down insertion time at Millstone Point nuclear power plant (USA)
17-1991: Automatic shut-down due to technical problems at Sendai nuclear power plant (Japan)
18-1953: First explosion of Soviet hydrogen bomb
19-1986: Flooding at the Cattenom nuclear power plant (France)
20-1974 Incident at Beznau nuclear power plant (Switzerland)
21-1980: Accident on board Soviet nuclear submarine, believed to kill at least nine crew members
22-1992: Failure of shut-down system at Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (Russia)
25-1984: French freighter sinks in the English Channel with 375 tonnes of uraniumhexafluoride on board
26-1989: Technical failure at Ignalina nuclear power plant (Lithuania)
27-1990: Cable fire causes loss of control of the position of control rods at Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Ukraine)
28-1992: Fire in electro-generator at St.Alban nuclear power plant (France)
29-1949: First explosion of Soviet atomic bomb
30-1985: Fire in a barrel of radioactive waste at Karlsruhe nuclear complex (Germany)
31-1985: Fire at Fukushima nuclear power plant during routine shut-down (Japan)

1-1993: Fire at Balakovo nuclear power plant (Russia)
3-1974: Release of radioactive water at Los Alamos nuclear weapons Laboratory (USA)
4-1988: Fire at Perry nuclear power plant (USA)
5-1988: Fire at Ignalina nuclear power plant (Lithuania)
6-1991: Incident and steam leak during refueling at Barsebeck nuclear power plant (Sweden)
9-1989: Control rod failure at Olkiluoto nuclear power plant (Finland)
11-1957: 15 kgs of plutonium catch fire at Rocky Flats nuclear weapons complex (USA)
12-1992: Leakage of radioactive water at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
13-1987: 249 people are contaminated in Brazil, due to handling discarded nuclear medical equipment, four people subsequently die
14-1991: Leakage at Kozloduy nuclear power plant (Bulgaria)
15-1986: Fire on board a US plane carrying nuclear weapons
16-1990: Superphenix Fast Breeder Reactor is closed down due to technical failures (France)
17-1988: Nuclear weapons convoy road accident kills one person (UK)
18-1988: Technical failure at Stade nuclear power plant (Germany)
19-1984: Collision of a Soviet nuclear submarine
20-1977: US-nuclear submarine "Ray" hits the sea-bed, three crew members are injured
21-1989: Manual shut-down of WNP nuclear power plant (USA)
22-1980: Pump failure causes accidental release of radioactive water at La Hague reprocessing plant (France)
23-1969: Radioactive contamination of atmosphere during the unsuccessful launch of a Soviet spaceship.
24-1973: 35 workers at the Sellafield reprocessing plant are contaminated following a technical failure (UK)
25-1955: First Soviet underwater nuclear explosion near Novaya Zemlya (Arctic Ocean)
27-1974: Soviet nuclear-capable destroyer sinks in the Black Sea
28-1990: Cables for reactor control and protection system supply overheat at Bohunice nuclear power plant (Slovakia)
29-1957: Thousands of square miles contaminated by accident at the Chelyabinsk nuclear complex (Russia)
30-1990: Failure of reactor core cooling system at Palisades nuclear power plant (USA)

1-1983: Technical failure and human error cause accident at Blayas nuclear power plant(France)
2-1968: Leakage at La Hague reprocessing plant (France) 3-1952: First UK nuclear test
4-1981: Release of 300-times the normal discharge level of Iodine-131 at Sellafield reprocessing plant (UK)
5-1966: Partial core meltdown at the Fermi fast breeder reactor (USA)
6-1986: Soviet nuclear submarine sinks off the coast of Bermuda
7-1984: Emergency shut-down of Paks nuclear power plant (Hungary)
8-1985: Accidental radioactive release into the sea from Hinkley Point nuclear power station (UK)
9-1991: Technical failure at Yugno-Ukrainskaya nuclear power plant (Ukraine)
10-1957: Three tonnes of uranium catch fire at the Windscale reprocessing plant (now Sellafield UK)
11-1957: US nuclear bomber crashes in Florida and catches fire
13-1977: Sea water runs into the cooling circuit of Hunterston nuclear power plant (UK)
14-1953: Fall-out from British nuclear test "Totem" contaminates Aborigines in the Australian desert
15-1988: French officials carry out an experiment to test the effects of releasing 7000 Curies of radioactivity
16-1964: First Chinese nuclear test
17-1969: Fuel elements melt at St Laurent des Eaux nuclear power plant (France)
18-1991: Technical failure at Zaporozhe nuclear power plant (Ukraine)
19-1991: Offsite power failure at Smolensk nuclear power plant (Russia)
21-1991: Fire on board "Sceptre" nuclear submarine in Scotland
22-1993: Instrumentation and Control failure at Saint Alban nuclear power plant (France)
23-1989: Failure of core cooling system at Dresdan nuclear power plant (USA)
25-1991: Failure of shut-down system during refuelling at Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (Russia)
26-1991: Incident during refueling at Vogtle nuclear power plant (USA)
27-1991: Technical failure of shut-down system at Zaporozhe nuclear power plant (Ukraine)
29-1991: Technical failure causes automatic shut-down at Kalinin nuclear power plant (Russia)
31-1986: US-nuclear submarine "Augusta" involved in collision

1-1992: Cracks in cooling system equipment at Brunsbuttel nuclear power plant (Germany)
2-1982: Nuclear missile transporter crashes killing one person and injuring two others (Germany)
3-1990: Failure of core cooling equipment at Doel nuclear power plant (Belgium)
4-1970: Explosion on board a nuclear-capable US-destroyer kills two sailors
5-1967: UK nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine `HMS Repulse' runs aground 30 minutes after its launch
7-1967: Release of radioactivity at Grenoble nuclear power plant (France)
9-1955: Core meltdown at EBR fast breeder reactor (USA)
11-1988: Accident during refueling on board of Soviet nuclear powered ice-breaker "Lenin"
12-1993: London Convention bans the dumping of nuclear waste into the sea
13-1974: Karen Silkwood, a worker at a US nuclear plant, dies mysteriously on her way to hand important documents to a Trade Union Official and a journalist
14-1989: Breakdown of fuel rod control system at Oconee nuclear power plant (USA)
15-1989: Fire on board US-nuclear submarine "Finback"
16-1983: Sellafield reprocessing plant discharges highly radioactive wastes directly into the sea (UK)
18-1991: Reactor shut-down due to technical failure at Balakovo nuclear power plant (Russia)
19-1980: US nuclear-missile almost launched during a drill exercise.
20-1989: Fire in turbine equipment at Kozloduy nuclear power plant (Bulgaria)
23-1991: Leak of 190,000 litres of water from cooling system, reactor shut-down at Oconee nuclear power plant (USA)
24-1989: Technical failure nearly causes core meltdown at Greifswald nuclear power plant (Germany)
25-1991: Failure of cooling system causes automatic reactor shut-down at Kursk nuclear power plant (Russia)
26-1958: B-47 plane catches fire, destroying one nuclear weapon (USA)
27-1991: Disfunction of automatic shut-down system at Bilibino nuclear power plant (Russia)
28-1991: Failure of control system causes reactor shut- down at Kursk nuclear power plant (Russia)
29-1982: US nuclear submarine collides with US-destroyer
30-1975: 1.5 million Curies released from Leningrad nuclear power plant (Russia)

1-1991: Technical failure at Beloyarsk nuclear power plant (Russia)
2-1949: US experiment "Green Run" contaminates communities up to 70 miles away from the Hanford nuclear weapons complex (USA)
3-1988: Explosion at the Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment (UK)
4-1990: 2 workers irradiated during refuelling at Blayais nuclear power plant (France)
5-1965: Plane crashes with nuclear bombs on board off the coast of Japan
6-1991: Failure of control system during refuelling causes reactor shut-down at Smolensk nuclear power plant (Russia)
7-1991: Failure of cooling system at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
8-1995: Fire due to leakage of sodium coolant from Monju fast breeder reactor, Japanese nuclear industry attempts to cover up full extent of accident, reactor shut-down
9-1986: Explosion at Surry nuclear power plant, four people killed (USA).
10-1991: Failure of turbo-generator causes reactor shut- down at Balakovo nuclear power plant (Russia)
11-1991: Human error causes failure of automatic reactor shut-down equipment at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
12-1952: World's first major nuclear reactor disaster, Chalk River experimental reactor (Canada)
13-1988: Four of the eight emergency installations discovered out of order at Brokdorf nuclear power plant (Germany)
14-1991: Technical failure causes automatic shut-down at Balakovo nuclear power plant (Russia)
15-1991: Technical failure at Kalinin nuclear power plant (Russia)
16-1991: Technical failure at Kola nuclear power plant (Russia)
17-1987: Severe incident at Biblis nuclear power plant (Germany)
18-1984: Fire at Kalinin nuclear power plant (Russia)
19-1980: Plutonium transport accident in the USA
20-1990: Control element discovered damaged at Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (Russia)
21-1991: Radiation leakage at Kolskaya nuclear power plant (Russia)
22-1987: Accidental release of 50 tonnes of water from Atucha nuclear power plant (Argentina)
23-1988: Two control rods jammed at Blayais nuclear power plant (France)
24-1991: Reactor shut-down due to technical failure at Kalinin nuclear power plant (Russia)
25-1992: Radioactive water leakage at Beloyarsk nuclear power plant (Russia)
27-1991: Automatic shut-down Balakovo nuclear power plant (Russia)
28-1990: Incident and radiation leakage at Leningrad nuclear power plant (Russia)
30-1988: Reactor shut-down due to failure of control equipment at Pilgrim nuclear power plant (USA)
31-1978: Fire and loss of reactor control, 8 workers irradiated at Beloyarsk nuclear power plant (Russia)

Outros Calendários
Nuclear power plant accidents: listed and ranked since 1952
Lists of nuclear disasters and radioactive incidents

Acabaram os milagres do crescimento, por Dani Rodrik

A economia é uma ciência. Há centenas de estudos que caminham para a sua vertente "estado mínimo", mais privatização, e pior com mentiras graves e políticas trágicas como a troika...Mas há outros economistas fora desse puzzle e que também apresentam centenas de estudos provando o contrário. Só para exemplo apresento-vos Dani Rodrik, Professor na Universidade de Harvard, um economista que vale a pena aprofundar e que o Público deu a conhecer uma crónica felizmente em bom português (mas há mais, muitos mais economistas que contrariam o "economês") e que passo a transcrever:
[texto completo aqui]

Há um ano, os analistas económicos estavam esfuziantemente optimistas sobre as perspectivas de crescimento económico nos países em desenvolvimento. Em contraste com os Estados Unidos e a Europa, onde o panorama do crescimento parecia na melhor das hipóteses fraco, esperava-se que os mercados emergentes sustivessem o forte desempenho da década anterior à crise financeira global, tornando-se assim o motor da economia global.
Economistas no Citigroup, por exemplo, concluíram ousadamente que as circunstâncias nunca tinham sido tão favoráveis ao crescimento amplo e sustentado em todo o mundo, e projectaram uma produção global rapidamente crescente até 2050, liderada por países em desenvolvimento na Ásia e em África. A empresa de contabilidade e consultoria PwC previu que o crescimento do PIB per capita na China, na Índia e na Nigéria excederia 4,5% até meados do século. A empresa de consultoria McKinsey & Company baptizou a África, desde há muito sinónimo de fracasso económico, como a terra dos “leões em movimento.”
Hoje, esse tema foi substituído pela preocupação acerca do que The Economist chama de “grande abrandamento.” A informação económica recente da China, Índia, Brasil e Turquia aponta para o mais fraco desempenho do crescimento nestes países em anos. O optimismo deu lugar à dúvida.
Claro que, tal como foi inapropriado extrapolar a partir da década anterior de forte crescimento, não deveríamos tentar extrair demasiadas conclusões a partir de flutuações de curto prazo. Não obstante, existem razões fortes para crer que o crescimento rápido provará ser a excepção em vez da regra nas décadas que se aproximam.
Para ver porquê, precisamos de entender como os “milagres do crescimento” são feitos. Exceptuando um punhado de pequenos países que beneficiaram de grandes quantidades de recursos naturais, todas as economias bem-sucedidas das últimas seis décadas devem o seu crescimento à industrialização rápida. Se há algo em que todos concordam sobre a receita da Ásia Oriental, é que o Japão, a Coreia do Sul, Taiwan e claro a China foram todos excepcionalmente bons a mover a sua mão-de-obra dos campos (ou de actividades informais) para a produção organizada. Casos anteriores de recuperação económica bem-sucedida, como os EUA ou a Alemanha, não foram diferentes.
O sector industrial permite a recuperação económica rápida por ser relativamente fácil copiar e implementar tecnologias de produção estrangeiras, mesmo em países pobres que sofram de desvantagens múltiplas. Notavelmente, a minha pesquisa mostra que as indústrias transformadoras tendem a colmatar a lacuna com a fronteira tecnológica à taxa de cerca de 3% ao ano independentemente das políticas, das instituições, ou da geografia. Consequentemente, os países que conseguem transformar agricultores em trabalhadores da indústria colhem um enorme bónus de crescimento.
Professor na Universidade de Harvard. Blogue pessoal aqui e aqui

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