
domingo, 27 de novembro de 2022

Música do BioTerra: Catherine Graindorge feat. Iggy Pop - The Dictator

When I was a little boy I remember the smiling head of Ike 
and everything was gonna be alright
And I can remember the hysterical speaker at the patriotic boys assembly
And I remember the bloody head, handsome and dead of the president
I remember the beatings ... 

And I remember the sneering.... the sneering...
The big dictator, he is coming soon. 
He has magic to, turn a day to night.

He has instinct to, crush the weak with might.
He conjures Elvis who was the people's king.
He conjures Hitler now, fear is everything.

And I'm sad, so sad... I'm sad, so sad...
He will be your voice.
His duty is to himself.
Domination, clean and simple.

The big dictator, he is coming soon...
He is strong and huge.
The big dictator, he will break on through...

And I'm sad... so sad...
He will be your voice
I'm sad...

His duty is to himself
So sad

So sad 

Clean and simple
Domination, domination, domination...
Clean it up.

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