
terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2022

Livro - "Goodbye Phone, Hello World" de Paul Greenberg

Nesta conferência a investigadora  Suzanne Simard mostra como as árvores se comunicam umas com as outras, mesmo sendo de espécies e sistemas diferentes. Elas formam uma rede de comunicação semelhante ao das redes de neurónios do nosso cérebro e a sincronicidade do universo.

"The more we learn about the lives of the life around us the more we see how narrow the digital peephole tech has given us to nature. Why does a tree bearing one taxonomic name sometimes communicate with a tree of another name beneath the soil’s surface? Why do trees send out chemical signals into the air that seem to be understood by the forest at large? Why does our own blood pressure drop when we find ourselves in the company the coniferous and deciduous, our own troubled thoughts outnumbered by the seemingly better wishes of the woods?
We don’t know. And we can’t come to know by LeafSnapping our way through nature. For that kind of understanding we need to spend time with a wisdom that is bigger than the most powerful microprocessor. Dull as it might seem in the moment, getting to really know the lives of organisms as they live them might just lead us to a more exciting understanding of our place in the universe.
And so, next time you’re in the woods, try putting your phone in your pocket. Better yet, leave it at home. If a moment of boredom washes over you, let it wash. The forest is waiting to bathe you with a different kind of tonic. But to get that particular bath, you have to be naked enough to receive the waters."- Paul Greenberg

Disconnect- Connect with Nature- Respect- Wisdom- Forests.

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