Quem dá crédito aos argumentos esquizofrénicos do PCP para defender o regime russo dos últimos 40 anos e atacar a esfera de influência da NATO, precisa duma dose urgente de realidade. Pode começar por aqui.
Consultar ainda um vasto dossier
FRONTLINE passou meses reportando para o documentário Putin's Revenge, speaking with the heads of U.S. intelligence agencies, diplomats, journalists, scholars and political insiders from Russia and the United States. In all, 56 sources spoke to us on camera. Now, in the inaugural installment of our Transparency Project, we're publishing the complete collection of these extended conversations. In "The Putin Files," explore the interviews using interactive features that enable you to navigate by theme or person, select and share any excerpt on social media, and dig deeper into annotated content about this still unfolding history.
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