
sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2022

No Cell Phone! Campaign Launched Worldwide Today

"When I was eight years old, as I stood among the birds and trees in front of my cousins’ country home, I suddenly heard a horrendous noise I had never heard before. “It is called a chain saw,” said my uncle George, as he explained to me what it did. In my mind’s eye I saw forests tumbling down all over the world.

Four years later, a TV commercial filled me with foreboding. It featured a bottle of shampoo falling to the floor of a shower stall and not breaking! The Prell company was introducing the wonders of plastic to a consuming public.

That same year, 1962, a marine biologist awakened the world to the devastation caused by pesticides, igniting an environmental movement that shook the world to its roots.

Yet today, 60 years later, the world poisons itself with five times as much pesticides as it did before Rachel Carson’s monumental book. The few remaining old growth forests continue to be felled by machines with a power beyond anyone’s control. And as marine mammals, seabirds and turtles choke on bottle caps, lids and grocery bags, the oceans will soon contain more plastics than fish, and we swim in microplastic particles that rain down on us day and night in the very air we breathe.

It is no one’s fault, and it is everyone’s fault. Today, without assigning blame, we have an opportunity to gather together in personal action for the future of life on Earth. An opportunity to change course. Microwave radiation is the first pollutant that is being spread intentionally over every square inch of the planet. And it is the first pollutant whose source and driving force -- the mobile phone -- is within the palms and pockets of the world’s population at all times. This gives us a unique opportunity to be proactive instead of just advocates. To be a movement of change and not just for change. To set an example of what must also be done with respect to the other environmental assaults.

Wireless technology is also the first pollutant for which there is not a dose response: the effect does not depend on the dose. Reducing the power level of a wireless device does not reduce the harm that it causes. For purposes of health and environment, a cell phone is a cell tower. We cannot have birds and insects and also have cell phones. Our children will not live to grow up if we do not get rid of cell phones.

The benefits of ridding one’s life of cell phones -- the restoration of your health and vitality - are immediate, startling, and far greater than the benefits that they provide. And as this action spreads, so will the benefits. A restored vitality of the forests, oceans, wildlife and birds that once gave life meaning will give people much more than they will give up when they throw away their cell phones -- and gladly give up, once they feel the difference and realize what they have traded away.

We ask you to join in pledging to do your part in putting an end to the greatest, most urgent, most ignored assault on the Earth that there is. To plant a seed that will be watered, grow, and proliferate. No one -- not legislators, not judges, not corporate CEOs -- can do it for us." - Arthur Firstenberg

Please read and sign the pledge here. The signature text comes in two versions, one for people who still own cell phones, and the other for people who do not. You can also read and sign them in these languages.

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Phonegate Alert

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