A major downward revision of total pesticides use in China significantly improved the accuracy of global pesticides use reported in the 2022.
- Despite a plateau reached in recent years, total pesticides use increased in the most recent decade by nearly 50 percent compared to the 1990s.
- Over the past three decades, yearly pesticides use averaged 1.58 kg per hectare, 0.37 kg per person and 0.79 kg per thousand international dollars of agricultural production.
- In 2020, the Americas imported the highest level of pesticides from other regions of the world, at 1.1 million tonnes and a value of USD 6.9 million.
- Africa applied the lowest levels of pesticides on a per area of cropland, per capita, and per value of agricultural production basis over the time period analysed.
- The total pesticides traded quantities increased by 30 percent in 2020 –the growth can mostly be contributed to traded disinfectants, which increased from 4.0 to 8.7 million tonnes from 2019 to 2020.
Relatório FAO
Projecto OCDE - Pesticide Risk Reduction
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