"BARN the documentary film, directed by Daryl Hannah (Nei Young´s wife), catches a rare intimate glimpse of this legendary band as they make music in a restored 19th century log barn under the full moon. The film captures Neil and the Horse in an organic way, their easy irreverent humor, their brotherhood, and of course their music, as it was created. BARN intentionally lingers on single shots for entire songs, showing there are no tricks, revealing the raw, organic and spontaneous process of the music bursting to life from unexpected moments. Exquisite changes of light and weather dance in the remote meadow where the barn sits, adding a sweet, mystical magic as the music thumps, reverberates and echoes. The film is infused with the gratitude and joy that permeated the whole experience".
‘BARN‘ Tracklisting:
2. Heading West
4. Canerican
5. Shape of You
6. They Might Be Lost
7. Human Race
8. Tumblin’ Thru the Years
9. Welcome Back
10. Don’t Forget Love
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