
domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2022

Novo estudo investiga impacto de pás de turbinas eólicas pintadas a preto

One of the most promising mitigations to reduce bird strikes at wind farms is to make blades more visible. Roel May and his colleagues in Norway showed that painting one blade black reduced the incidence of Sea Eagle deaths 100%. Now this study is starting up in Sweden to check its efficacy there.

At the moment our biggest hurdle is Civil Aviation... who only allow white blades. Interestingly, experiments in the USA have shown that the black blade idea, being tested in Sweden, is also better perceived by human observers than white blades. Why? we don't know. But at least for raptors they see contrast less well than humans so the introduction of black blade breaks up the motion smear and increases the contrast. Result: birds see and avoid the blades.

Artigo aqui

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