
sábado, 1 de julho de 2017

Ranking do Eucaliptal de Portugal no Mundo (dados de 2005) e estudos académicos

Sabia que Portugal ocupa a 5.ª posição a nível mundial em eucaliptos e a 1.ª em termos relativos?

Para que não fiquem dúvidas! Acima da Austrália.

O gráfico consta de um documento da Semapa, de 2007, a dona da The Navigator Company.

As 24 cidades que vão desaparecer de Portugal por causa do aquecimento global

João Camargo citou alguns artigos, a maior parte dos quais disponíveis online:

Silva, J., dos Santos, P., Sério, A., Gomes, F. (2016) Effects of heat on dehiscence and germination in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. International Journal of Wildland Fire

dos Santos, P., Matias, H., Deus, E. et al. (2015). Fire effects on capsules and encapsulated seeds from Eucalyptus globulus in Portugal. Plant Ecol (2015) 216: 1611

Catry, F., Moreira, F., Deus, E., Silva, J. e Águas, A. (2015). Assessing the extent and the environmental drivers of Eucalyptus globules wilding establishment in Portugal - results from a countrywide survey. Biological Invasions 2015

Águas, A. et al. (2014). Natural establishment of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in burnt stands in Portugal. Forest Ecology and Management 323 (2014) 47–56

Catry, F., Moreira, F., Tujeira, R. e Silva, J. (2013). Post-fire survival and regeneration of Eucalyptus globulus in forest plantations in Portugal. Forest Ecology and Management
Volume 310, 15 December 2013, Pages 194-203

Catry, F., Rego, F., Bugalho, M., Lopes, T., Silva, J., Moreira, F. (2006). Effects of fire on tree survival and regeneration in a Mediterranean ecosystem. V International Conference on Forest Fire Research

Calviño-Cancela, M., Chas-Amil, M., García-Martínez E., e Touza, J. (2016). Wildfire risk associated with different vegetation types within and outside wildland-urban interfaces. Forest Ecology and Management 372 (2016) 1–9

Fernandes, P., Catry, F., Moreira F. e Rego, F. (2010). Perigo, incidência e severidade do fogo nas florestas portuguesas. in ECOLOGIA DO FOGO E GESTÃO DE ÁREAS ARDIDAS, ISA Press
Silva, J.S., Moreira, F., Vaz, P., Catry, F. e Godinho-Ferreira, P. (2009). Assessing the relative fire proneness of different forest types in Portugal. Plant Biosystems - Official Journal of the Societa Botanica Italiana

Moreira, F., Vaz, P., Catry, F. e Silva, J. (2009). Regional variations in wildfire susceptibility of land-cover types in Portugal: implications for landscape management to minimize fire hazard. International Journal of Wildland Fire 2009, 18, 563–574

Godinho-Ferreira, P., Azevedo, A., Vaz, P., Rego, F. (2006). Composition, configuration and vertical structure of Portuguese forests: implications in wildfire probability. V International Conference on Forest Fire Research

Nunes, M., Vasconcelos, M., Pereira, J., Dasgupta, N., Alldredge, R. e Rego, F. (2005). Land cover type and fire in Portugal: do fires burn land cover selectively? Landscape Ecology (2005) 20: 661–673

Dimitrakopoulos, A. e Papaioannou, K. (2001). Flammability Assessment of Mediterranean Forest Fuels. Fire Technology, 37, 143–152, 2001

Moreira, F., Vaz, P., Catry, F. e Silva, J. (2009). Regional variations in wildfire susceptibility of land-cover types in Portugal: implications for landscape management to minimize fire hazard. International Journal of Wildland Fire 2009, 18, 563–574

Millar, C., Stephenson, N. E Stephens, S. (2007). Climate Change and Forests of the Future: Managing in the Face of Uncertainty. Ecological Applications, 17(8), 2007, pp. 2145–2151

Bowman, D., Murphy, B., Boer, M., Bradstock, R., Cary, G., Cochrane, M., Fensham, R., Krawchuk, M., Price, O. e Williams, R. (2013). Forest fire management, climate change, and the risk of catastrophic carbon losses. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11 (2), 66-68.

Costa, R., Fraga, H., Fernandes, P. e Santos, J. (2016). Implications of future bioclimatic shifts on Portuguese forests. Reg Environ Change

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