
quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2016

Documentário- Seeding Fear


Seeding Fear is a short documentary Executive Produced by Neil Young that tells the story of Michael White, a fourth generation farmer, who went toe to toe with Monsanto

Neil Young took on the corporation Monsanto, which manufactures genetically engineered seeds for agriculture, on his recent record The Monsanto Years. Now he has released a 10-minute short, Seeding Fear, which tells the story of a farmer named Michael White, who with his father Wayne, took on the corporation in court. The film was released by Shakey Pictures and co-executive-produced by “Bernard Shakey,” Young’s pseudonym.

“The film I would like you to see tells the story of a farming family in America, but the same thing is happening around the world,” Young wrote, under his own name, in a statement. “It is a story that takes 10 minutes of your time to see. It is a simple human one, telling the heartbreaking story of one man who fought the corporate behemoth Monsanto, and it illustrates why I was moved to write The Monsanto Years. The film presents a rare opportunity to hear from the source as Mr. White is one of only four farmers who is still legally allowed to speak about his case as all the others have been effectively silenced.”

Monsanto sued the Whites for patent infringement, accusing Wayne decades after he stopped farming. “It destroyed his life,” Michael says of his father in the film. “He went to his grave – this grave – still afraid of [Monsanto].” The farmer later adds, “It’s pretty hard to take your 80-something-year-old father to federal court on a walker when he’s falsely accused by a big corporation.” The clip closes with Young’s song “Monsanto Years.”

Following the publication of this article, a rep for Monsanto told Rolling Stone, “Mr. White is not transparent in describing his actions or the situation. He actually admitted to knowingly planting, producing, saving, cleaning and selling Roundup Ready soybeans illegally. All of this information is available in court documents.” Read the company’s full statement here.

Directed/Produced by Craig Jackson
Executive Produced by Bernard Shakey and Elliot Rabinowitz
Edited by Justin Weinstein and Craig Jackson
Music by Daniel Lanois
Cinematography by Craig Jackson

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