
quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2016

The Green Lady: Elizabeth Sweetheart is obsessed with green

Elizabeth Sweetheart proves wearing green isn't just for St. Patrick's Day. Everything in her life is green, from her clothes to her hair, and she's become a local celebrity in her New York City neighborhood. From her bright green hair, to her self-dyed green overalls, the New York City artist has earned her moniker, “the Green Lady.” Elizabeth was inspired to wear green after an emotional trip to Florida with her father. Today, she continues to uphold the tradition because of the joy it brings those around her.

Elizabeth Eaton Rosenthal, também conhecida como Elizabeth Sweetheart, nasceu na Nova Escócia em 1941. Ela é uma artista plástica, designer de tecidos e é conhecida como a "Green Lady of Brooklyn" por seu amor pela cor verde, que ela usa e decora a sua casa com quase exclusividade.

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