
sábado, 26 de julho de 2014

Música do BioTerra: Death in June - Fall Apart e Ikon- versão melancolicamente graciosa

 Death in June- Fall Apart

IKON - Fall Apart (Death in June cover)

"A ética é a estética de dentro."~ Pierre Reverdy

And if I wake from Dreams
Shall I fall in Pastures
Will I Wake the Darkness
Shall we Torch the Earth?
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall we find the Emptiness
And break the Silence
That will stop our Hearts?
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall we cry Together
For their Howling echoes
And restart the Night?

And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?

And shall I wake from Dreams
For the Glory of Nothing
For the cracking of the Sun
For the crawling down of Lies?
And if We fall from Dreams
Shall we push them into Darkness
And stare into the Howling
And clamber into Night?

And if I fall from Dreams
All my Prayers are Silenced
To Love is to lose
And to lose is to Die...

And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?

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