
quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

Painel para a Sustentabilidade da ONU faz fortes ataques ao sistema capitalista

Obese person
Fonte BBC News, 30/01/12

"Viva simplesmente para que outros possam simplesmente viver"~ Helen e Scott Nearing
Relatório completo aqui

The panel's diagnosis

  1. The number of people living in poverty is declining, but the number hungry is rising
  2. Inequality in wealth distribution is rising
  3. Access to clean water is increasing, but 2.6 billion people lack access to modern sanitation
  4. By 2030, demand for food will rise by 50%, for energy by 45% and for water by 30%
  5. Women are too often excluded from economic opportunities
  6. The financial crisis was partly caused by market rules that encourage short-termism and do not reward sustainable investment
  7. The current economic model is "pushing us inexorably towards the limits of natural resources and planetary life support systems"
Please click here to view the Report and the Press Releases

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