
domingo, 18 de julho de 2010

Sons da Natureza Grátis- vejam e ouçam...

Free Nature Sounds

Use this free tool to play nature sounds on headphones while reading or meditating or just for fun.
In order for nature sounds to start playing choose a sound from drop-down box for one of the channels and drag the volume slider up. You can add more nature sounds to composition by choosing other sounds in other channels. It is also possible to add stereo effects by panning channels to the left or to the right.
By pressing button "Export To File" you can save your chosen composition of nature sounds into WAV file which later can be converted into MP3 (there are many WAV to MP3 converters on the Web) and uploaded for listening on your MP3 player.
In order to save nature sounds to wav file, you must have at least version 10 flash player (version 9 might allow only playing nature sounds but not saving them). You can get the newest flash player here.

Saber mais:
O blogue do autor (Andris Zalitisr, Lituânia)

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