
sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

Esperança de Vida- Mapas mundiais, nacionais, evolução e índices de qualidade de vida


World Map
  1. Scroll to the Section of your choice. Select Chart or Map from each Section by clicking on the Thumbnail Image. You will note that a number will appear above the Image representing the order it will be viewed. You may choose one or more or view them all by clicking on Select All.
  2. After You Have Made Your Selection, Click on the "View Selected" Button to review your choices in the order selected. Use the Green Arrows below the Charts and Maps to Navigate selections. If no order is selected Navigation will be Alpha.
  3. You May Choose Multiple IMAGES From the Same Section Only.
  4. Return to Main Menu By Clicking the World Health Menu link in the Title Header. Use "Return Link" to return to same section.


LIFE EXPECTANCY is a term that seeks to apply information from the past to predict what might happen in the future. This time tested statistical average has grown in stature year after year and is now one of the leading health performance metrics in the world. It reflects the health of a country's people and is often used to measure the quality of healthcare they receive. Life expectancy at birth, from a global perspective, is the average number of years a newborn infant would be expected to live if health and living conditions at the time of its birth remained the same throughout its life. Although Life Expectancy at birth is the standard most often used, it can be calculated for any age and gender and you can compare those differences for virtually every country in the world here in various sections of the Site.
The confusion surrounding Life Expectancy as a statistical average is it considers all deaths equally. It doesn't address the underlying cause or where the death took place. Modern thought on this important subject is it loses some of it's meaning as a global or national metric to measure such things as healthcare and other important evaluative criteria without this important information.


There are hundreds of other Charts and Maps all throughout the Website. They'll provide you with meaningful Health data for virtually every country in the world and every State in America down to the county level. We'll be adding more as we add or update our data in our ongoing effort to help you discover new relationships. Our latest Chart will assist you in understanding the important role age and gender play in determining causes of death and how they impact a country's population.

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