
sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009

Um estudo científico recente demonstra a toxicidade de 3 tipos de milho OGM da Monsanto

La planète transgénique (en 2008)[ler artigo aqui]
Resumo em Português feito por Margarida Silva

O pdf do artigo científico está disponível aqui

Neste artigo os cientistas Séralini e colegas pegam nos dados em bruto dos estudos da Monsanto feitos aos milhos MON 863, NK 603 e MON 810 (este último cultivado em Portugal; todos eles autorizados para alimentação humana) e obtidos através de acção judicial e fazem pela primeira vez uma avaliação estatística independente da que a Monsanto fez. Os resultados, como seria de esperar, são muito diferentes dos da Monsanto: impactos no fígado e rins (os orgãos de limpeza do aparelho digestivo) e consequências negativas variáveis para o coração, baço, glândulas adrenais e sistema sanguíneo. Mas não fiquem à espera, que o facto de os ratos se darem mal com os transgénicos nunca foi, nem vai ser, razão suficiente para a EFSA, Autoridade Europeia de Segurança Alimentar, decidir que é boa ideia proteger as pessoas e proibir estes transgénicos.

O comunicado de imprensa original segue abaixo:

Three Major GMOs Approved for Food and Feed Found Unsafe

Int J Biol Sci 2009; 5(7), 706-726

Caen, 14 December 2009: In what is being described as the first ever and most comprehensive study of three major GMOs about assessing the effects on mammalian health, researchers from CRIIGEN and Universities of Caen and Rouen have highlighted a number of new sex and often dose dependent side effects linked with their consumption. Their study of the 90-day feeding trials data of insecticide producing Mon 810, Mon 863 and Roundup herbicide absorbing NK 603 varieties of GM maize clearly underlines adverse impacts on kidneys and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, as well as different levels of damages to heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system. Ironically, the confidential raw data of Monsanto about feeding trials on rats that these researchers have analyzed allowed the international authorization of these three commercialized GMOs in different parts of the world.

Although different level of adverse impact on vital organs were noticed between the three GMO, the research done by J. Spiroux de Vendomois, F. Roullier, D. Cellier and G.E. Seralini and appeared in the International Journal of Biological Sciences shows specific effects associated with consumption of each GMO, differentiated by sex and dose. Their research follows in the wake of European Governments obtaining the raw data related to feeding of rats for 90 days and
making it publically available for scrutiny and counter-evaluation.

The researchers have concluded that all the 3 GMOs that they have studied contain novel pesticide residues that will be present in food and feed and may pose grave health risks to those consuming them. They have, therefore, called for immediate prohibition on the import and cultivation of these GMOs and have strongly recommended additional long-term (up to 2 years) and multi-generational animal feeding studies on at least three species to provide true scientifically valid data on the acute and chronic toxic effects of GM crops, feed and

CRIIGEN denounces in particular the past opinions of EFSA, AFSSA and CGB, committees of European and French Food Safety Authorities, and others who spoke on the lack of risks on the tests which were conducted just for 90 days on rats to assess the safety of these three GM varieties of maize. While criticizing their failure to examine the detailed statistics, CRIIGEN also emphasizes the conflict of interest and incompetence of these committees to counter expertise this publication as they have already voted positively on the same tests ignoring the side effects.

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