
quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2009

An Interview with Paul Ehrlich

Everything living evolves, but humans evolve culturally as well as biologically, and that puts us in a peculiar relation to the rest of life, with a peculiar responsibility. If we can understand how cultural evolution works, we'll have a better handle on how to manage our responsibilities. The question that Ehrlich has been exploring lately is whether cultural evolution really does show patterns that would yield predictive theory. He now has data from Polynesian canoes that indicate the answer is yes, cultural evolution is patterned enough to predict with. We can discover a new way to comprehend our own behavior and perhaps influence it to the benefit of life.

I highly suggest reading "Foundations: Their Power and Influence" and going to the UN's website to read and download "Agenda 21" as the UN controls World Policy but its members are not elected by any citizens or the people of the Nation States Members and never will be.

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