
terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2007

Actualização do Dossiê Jornalismo

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Dossiê Terra Jornalística

Independent Media and Design
2600 the Hacker quarterly
Access SF - SF Community Media San Francisco's public access television station which is operated and managed by the San Francisco Community Television Corporation (CTC), a community-based, non-profit corporation.
Action Coalition for Media Education (ACME) action-oriented media education organization of well-known media educators and media reformers.
A-Infos Radio Project formed in 1996 by grassroots broadcasters, free radio journalists and cyber-activists to provide ourselves with the means to share our radio programs via the Internet. Probably the first grassroots media project of it's kind on the internet...
AK Press Great online source of print, audio and video.
Alternative Press Review Your Guide Beyond the Mainstream! Each issue is packed with creative ideas, fresh perspectives, insightful analysis and pointed humour.
Alternet is an award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of dozens of other independent media sources.
®TMark exploring the nuances of media for corporate culture.
Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers (AIVF) National, NYC-based non-profit, lots of resources and information. Publishes magazine called "The Independent Film and Video Monthly".
Blackout Books Excellent links to all kinds of indie media outlets.
cat@lyst A temporary autonomous zone created for the free exchange of information. Low-tech, grass-roots net access for real people.
Center for Digital Storytelling a non-profit project development, training, and research organization whose focus is on developing large-scale projects for community, educational and business institutions using the methods and principles built around their Digital Storytelling Workshop. Provide a clearinghouse of information about resources on storytelling and new media.
Center for Media & Democracy a nonprofit, public interest organization in Madison, WI, funded by individuals and nonprofit foundations and dedicated to investigative reporting on the public relations industry. The Center serves citizens, journalists and researchers seeking to recognize and combat manipulative and misleading PR practices.Unlike advertising, public relations is often hard to recognize. "The best PR is invisible," say industry insiders. To spin the news in favor of their clients, PR firms specialize in setting up phony citizens' groups and scientific "experts" who spin out contrived research. CMD publishes PR Watch and books like "Toxic Sludge Is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry", and "Trust Us, We're Experts: How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles With Your Future."
Clamor Magazine "undisputed heavyweight champion of independent voices"
Dark Night Press Chicago, IL Under-reported news and unheard voices from indigenous struggles worldwide.
The Digital Freedom Network (DFN) promotes human rights education and activism around the world, primarily through the use of Internet technology.
Digital Sistas a non-profit organization created to promote and provide technology education and enrichment for young girls and women of color.
Disinformation.com Counter-culture, conspiracy theories, satanic cults, computer network pirates...
Do or Die Voices from the Ecological Resistance - an annual magazine crammed with reports and analysis from the world-wide ecological frontlines.
eActivist.org (now called congress.org) works to encourage electronic activism and civic participation by providing a comprehensive, issue-based collection of progressive electronic actions and tools.
Earth First! Journal Voice of the radical environmental movement containing direct action reports, articles on preservation of wild places, investigative articles, and discussions on monkeywrenching.
The Ecologist Investigative journalists, leading thinkers and campaigners are constantly rethinking the basic assumptions which underlie mankind's steady march towards self-destruction.
Exploding Cinema "make yer own cinema!" Do-It-Yourself Super 8 Film.
FACES International Women's Mailing List: activists, artists, critics, theoreticians, technicians, journalists, researchers, programmers, networkers, web designers and educators, all women who share an interest in the media and communication arts. Requests for project participation, as well as deadlines for festivals, job opportunities, and funding are shared openly.
Film Arts Foundation SF Bay Area based film and video non-profit. Funding, information, other resources. Excellent magazine called Release Print with articles on grassroots and professional distribution, state of the media, festivals, profiles, etc.
Freemedia - controinformazione, Italy.
Global Village CAT the most updated and comprehensive listing of community or public access tv sites in the world (700 sites).
Global Visions Film Festival 21st Annual Celebration of Documentary Cinema, Global Awareness and Community Engagement in Edmonton, Canada.
Graphic Alliance a loose alliance of graphic, web and other designers committed to social change.
Hard Knock Radio is KPFA's daily drivetime Hip Hop Talk Show. It features hosts Davey D, Weyland Southon, Anita Johnson and Tsadae Abeba Neway who offer news, views, breaks, and beats. Features in-depth interviews and profiles with elected officials, community leaders, activists, Hip Hop artists and musicians.
Hip Hop News Brought to you by Hard Knock Radio's own Davey D.
Independent Media Center great alternative news websites all around the world.
Index on Censorship UK. Excellent website with deep news and a chronicle of censorship and free expression abuses in some 70 countries worldwide.
Kingdom of Piracy an online, open work space to explore the free sharing of digital content - often condemned as piracy - as the net's ultimate art form. Designed to include links, objects, ideas, software, commissioned artists' projects, critical writing and online streaming media events. Considers the law and order provisions surrounding intellectual property in the context of geographical and cultural borders.
La Lutta New Media Collective a non-profit, community-based organization, is a group of activists, artists, educators and professionals united to promote a greater level of social awareness through new media.
laspirale.org French "e-zine for the digital mutants"
ListenUp.org Links to youth media organizations around the country. Provides dates on festivals, jobs and more.
Media Access Project Helps keep programming open to independents.
Media Alliance Training and resources for media workers and activists.
The Media Education Foundation a non-profit educational organization devoted to media research and production of resources to aid educators and others in fostering analytical media literacy.
Media Island Instititue Covers key neglected issues, great resource for research and networking.
MediaRights.org a community Web site, helps media makers, educators, nonprofits, and activists use documentaries to encourage action and inspire dialogue on contemporary social issues.
National Alliance of Media Arts and Culture (NAMAC) Part of the Ninth Street Media Arts Consortium in San Francisco. An association of organizations and individuals dedicated to building a broad voice of diversity in the media arts. their Web site includes listings of media arts centers nationwide.
National Radio Project Producers of radio content that is free, downloadable, and cutting edge.
Other Cinema Craig Baldwin has been pushing the boundries of film, cultural critique and radiation theory in the Bay Area for a good long time. He is the undisputed "King of found footage"
Peace News UK, Radical, international, antimilitarist, quarterly magazine. For nonviolent revolution. Bringing activists and campaigners together worldwide, sharing ideas, theories, and tactics.
Poor Magazine dedicated to reframing the news, issues and solutions from low and no income communities, as well as providing society with a perspective usually not heard or seen within the mainstream media.
Project Censored Researching media and censored stories for over a decade.
Protest.Net A site to help progressive activists by providing a central place where the times and locations of protests and meetings can be posted.
PR Watch Excellent daily news section. Gets the dirt on the media manipulators! (See their publishers Center for Media & Democracy, above)
Radio For Peace International (RFPI) an internet radio station that broadcast on shortwave radio for many years until it was forcibly evicted from the University of Peace where it had been invited to broadcast by the United Nations and the Costa Rican Government. Excellent coverage of left wing alternative press.
RegenerationTV Streaming progressive videos on the web.
RiseUp.net a 100% volunteer effort of activists using technology for radical social change. Provides training, web hosting, listservs, email accounts, and any kind of tech support needed by the activist community.
Save Pacifica Restoring Pacifica as a Forum for Independent Voices.
Silence Speaks goal is to provide survivors, witnesses, and prevention advocates diverse in age, race/ethnicity, religion, class, ability, gender, and sexual orientation with the support, skills, and equipment they need to create original multimedia pieces about the impact that violence has had on their lives. We define violence broadly - stories created in our workshops have addressed intimate partner and family abuse; hate violence and racism; and the violence of poverty, political persecution, and war.A project of Third World Majority.
SQUALL Magazine Regularly updated online magazine presenting radical journalism, photography and culture with content.
Tactical Media Crew "was born to introduct in the Internet many social realities, starting from what is usually called the radical-Autonomous Movement. We would like also to transform the communication/information in the movement in Italy.We are for now concentrating our attention on what is nearer to us: Social Centers, Pirate-Comunity radios, radical syndacalism, femminist movements and many other who will and are deciding to join this project. Realizing from now means at least to conduct battles with the same weapons of the enemy: we are finding always more and more fragile parts of the modern capitalism or at least we are finding out its fragile structures...if really capitalist main forces are information', this could mean that its fragility is 'information'."
Tactical Media Network "Keep free media free!" A collective of media and political activists from the radical autonomous/anarchist scene of Rome.
TechSoup.org a nonprofit technology portal with a great web building section full of useful articles, links and information that will lead you in the right direction.
Webzine 2000 Independent Web Publishers Unite in San Francisco.
Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press (WIFP) Works on media democracy issues and publishes the international Directory of Women's Media.
Z Media Institute "exists to share knowledge, skills, and information relevant to working effectively with media and political activism in the United States. The program emphasizes the short comings of mainstream media and the possibilities of alternative media, and the many issues associated with building political activism more broadly."
Z NET Information center News search page by Z Magazine, an independent political magazine of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the United States. Accepts no paid advertising.

Research Resources
Applied Research Center ARC is a public policy, educational and research institute whose work emphasizes issues of race and social change.
Centre for Research on Globalisation Behind the News, Analysis, Commentary and Intelligence on the New World Order.
Common Dreams Newswire great postings here 
The Corp Monitor at the Energy-net...
Corporate Watch "The Earth is not dying it is being killed. And those who are killing it have names and addresses." - Utah Phillips.
Just Cause Law Collective Resources for Direct Action - well organized ... awesome.
Radio-Locator most comprehensive radio station search engine on the internet with links to over 10,000 radio station web pages and over 2500 audio streams from radio stations in the U.S. and around the world. (Also see: Television Stations)
Renegade faithful article server.
Television Stations Quick Links from TVRundown.com. (Also see: Radio-Locator)

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