
segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2007

Éric Lambin - autor do livro A Terra Sobre a Corda Bamba

Será o sistema terrestre vulnerável às perturbações trazidas pela actividade humana? Será o planeta ainda habitável nos decénios e séculos futuros? Qual o impacte do homem sobre o destino da natureza? Devemos estar pessimistas ou optimistas acerca do futuro do nosso planeta e portanto, do futuro da humanidade? Fundamentado numa rigorosa análise científica e longe de qualquer ideologia, este livro tem por objectivo dar um sereno esclarecimento a este debate, permitindo o afinar da visão que o Homem deve ter sobre o mundo em que habita.

Resumo Biográfico

Eric F. Lambin has a PhD in Sciences (geography) from the University of Louvain. He is Professor at the Department of Geography at the University of Louvain , Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. He was previously Assistant Professor at Boston University and Expert for the European Commission at the Joint Research Center (Ispra). In 2002-03, he was resident as Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, California, USA.
Eric Lambin is the Chair of the « Land-Use and Land-Cover Change » (LUCC) programme of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP). He contributes to many other international scientific projects and initiatives.
Eric Lambin has published more than one hundred papers and book chapters in leading scientific journals in environmental sciences, remote sensing, and geography. Eric Lambin has supervised several completed PhD theses and directs a team of fifteen researchers.He recently published “ La Terre sur un fil ”.


The researchinterests of Eric Lambin include :
integrated studies of human-environment systems (e.g., deforestation, desertification, environmental change and disease risk, land-use change and nature conservation);• the monitoring of land-cover change and biomass burning by remote sensing;• the modelling of land-use change;• synthesis work on causes of environmental change and conditions for a transition to sustainable development.
Eric Lambin has been involved in research projects in most regions of the world.

Alguns Artigos

GUYER J. and LAMBIN E.F., 1993. Land use in an urban hinterland: Ethnography and remote sensing in the study of African intensification, American Anthropologist , vol.95, nr.4, pp.839-859.
LAMBIN E., 1994. Modelling deforestation processes: a review , TREES Publications Series B: Research Report n°1, European Commission, EUR 15744 EN, 128 p.
LAMBIN E.F. and STRAHLER A., 1994. Multitemporal change-vector analysis: A tool to detect and categorise land-cover change processes using high temporal resolution satellite data, Remote Sensing of Environment , vol.48, pp.231-244.
LAMBIN E.F. and STRAHLER A. 1994. Remotely-sensed indicators of land-cover change for multitemporal change-vector analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing , vol.15, nr.10, pp . 2099-2119.
MAYAUX P. and LAMBIN E.F., 1995. Estimation of tropical forest area from coarse spatial resolution data: A two-step correction function for proportional errors due to spatial aggregation, Remote Sensing of Environment , vol.53, nr.1, pp.1-16.
LAMBIN E.F., 1996. Change detection at multiple temporal scales: Seasonal and annual variations in landscape variables, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensin g, vol.62, nr.8, pp.931-938 .
LAMBIN E.F. and EHRLICH D., 1996. The surface temperature-vegetation index space for land cover and land-cover change analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing , vol.17, nr.3, pp.463-487.
LAMBIN E.F. and EHRLICH D., 1997. Land-cover changes in sub-Saharan Africa (1982-1991): Application of a change index based on remotely-sensed surface temperature and vegetation indices at a continental scale, Remote Sensing of Environment , vol.61, nr.2, pp.181-200.
LAMBIN E., 1997. Modelling and monitoring land-cover change processes in tropical regions, Progress in Physical Geography , vol.21, nr.3, pp.375-393.
EVA H. and LAMBIN E.F., 1998. Remote sensing of biomass burning in tropical regions: Sampling issues and multisensor approach, Remote Sensing of Environment , vol.64, nr.3, pp.292-315.
EVA H. and LAMBIN E.F., 1998. Burnt areas mapping in Central Africa from ATSR data, International Journal of Remote Sensing , vol.19, nr.18, pp.3471-3473.
FJELDSA J., LAMBIN E.F. and MERTENS B., 1999. Correlation between endemism and local ecoclimatic stability documented by comparing Andean birds distributions and remotely sensed land surface data, Ecography , vol.22, nr.1, pp.63-78 .
LAMBIN E.F., 1999. Monitoring forest degradation in tropical regions by remote sensing: some methodological issues, Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters , vol.8, pp.191-198 .
MERTENS B., SUNDERLIN W., NDOYE O. and LAMBIN E.F., 2000. Impact of macro-economic changes on deforestation in south Cameroon: Integration of household survey and remotely sensed data, World Development , vol.28, nr.6, pp.983-999 .
MERTENS B. and LAMBIN E.F., 2000. Land-cover change trajectories in southern Cameroon, Annals of the Association of American Geographers , September issue, vol.90, nr.3, pp.467-494.
LAMBIN E.F., ROUNSEVELL M. and GEIST H., 2000. Are agricultural land-use models able to predict changes in land use intensity? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment , vol.82, nr.1-3, pp.321-331.
EVA H. and LAMBIN E.F., 2000. Fires and land-cover changes in the tropics: A remote sensing analysis at the landscape scale . Journal of Biogeography , vol.27, nr.3, pp.765-776.
SERNEELS S., SAID M. and LAMBIN E.F., 2001. Land-cover changes around a major East African wildlife reserve: the Mara ecosystem, International Journal of Remote Sensing , vol.22, nr17, pp. 3397-3420 .
SERNEELS S. and LAMBIN E.F., 2001. Proximate causes of land-use changes in Narok District, Kenya. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment , vol. 85, nr.1-3, pp.65-82 .
SERNEELS S. and LAMBIN E.F., 2001. Impact of land-use changes on the wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) in the northern part of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem. Journal of Biogeography , vol. 28, nr.3, pp.391-408 + cover .
K. HOMEWOOD, E.F. LAMBIN, E. COAST, A. KARIUKI, I. KIKULA, J. KIVALIA, M. SAID, S. SERNEELS, M. THOMPSON. 2001. Long-term changes in Serengeti-Mara wildebbest and land cover : pastoralism, population or policies ? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , vol. 98, nr. 22, Octobre 23, 2001, pp.12544-12549 + cover story.
DIOUF A. and LAMBIN E.F., 2001. Monitoring land-cover changes in semi-arid regions: Remote sensing data and field observations in Ferlo, Senegal, Journal of Arid Environments , vol. 48, pp.129-148 .
STEPHENNE N. and LAMBIN E.F., 2001. A dynamic simulation model of land-use changes in the African Sahel (SALU). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment , vol. 85, nr.1-3, pp.145-162 .
VELDKAMP T. and LAMBIN E.F., 2001. Guest Editors. Predicting land-use change. Editorial. Special issue. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment , vol. 85, nr.1-3, pp.1-6.
LAMBIN E.F., Turner II B.L., Geist H., Agbola S., Angelsen A., Bruce J.W., Coomes O., Dirzo R., Fischer G., Folke C., George P.S., Homewood K., Imbernon J., Leemans R., Li X., Moran E.F. Mortimore M., Ramakrishnan P.S., Richards J.F., Skånes H., Steffen W., Stone G.D., Svedin U., Veldkamp T., Vogel C., Xu J., 2001. The Causes of Land-Use and –Cover Change : Moving beyond the Myths. Global Environmental Change . Vol. 11, pp.261-269 .
VAN WESEMAEL B. and LAMBIN E.F., 2001. Carbon sinks and conserving biodiversity. Science , Letters , Vol. 294, Nr. 5549, 7 Dec. 2001, pp.2094-2095.
GEIST H. and LAMBIN E.F., 2002. Proximate causes and underlying driving forces of tropical deforestation. Bioscience , Vol. 52, Nr.2, pp.143-150.
PETIT C. and LAMBIN E.F., 2001. Integration of multi-source remote sensing data for land cover change detection. International Journal of Geographical Information Science , Issue 8, Vol.15, pp.785-803.
PETIT C. and LAMBIN E.F., 2002. Long-term land-cover changes in the Belgian Ardennes (1775-1929): Model-based reconstruction versus historical maps. Global Change Biology , vol. 8, Issue 7, pp. 616-631 .
TAYLOR C., E.F. LAMBIN, N. STEPHENNE, R. HARDING and R. ESSERY, 2002. The influence of land-use change on climate in the Sahel. Journal of Climate , vol. 15, nr. 24, pp. 3615-3629.
STOLLE F., CHOMITZ K., LAMBIN E.F. and TOMICH T., 2003. Land use and vegetation fires in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia, Forest Ecology and Management , vol. 179, nr. 1-3, pp. 277-292
STOLLE F. and LAMBIN E.F., 2003. Inter-provincial and inter-annnual differences in the causes of forest fires in Sumatra, Indonesia. Environmental Conservation , vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 357-387 .
LAMBIN E.F., GEIST H. and LEPERS E., 2003. Dynamics of land use and cover change in tropical regions. Annual Review of Environment and Resources , vol. 28, pp. 205-241 .
LAMBIN E.F. and GEIST H., 2003. Regional differences in tropical deforestation, Environment , vol. 45, nr. 6, pp. 22-36.
HENRY S., BOYLE P. and LAMBIN E.F., 2003. Modelling inter-provincial migration in Burkina Faso, West Africa: The role of socio-demographic and environmental factors , Applied Geography , vol. 23, pp. 115-136.
HENRY S., PICHE V., OUEDRAOGO D. and LAMBIN E.F., 2004. Environmental influence on migration decisions in Burkina Faso, Population and Environment , vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 397-422 .
GEIST H. and LAMBIN E.F., 2004. Dynamic causal patterns of desertification. Bioscience , vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 817-829 .
LEPERS E., LAMBIN E .F., JANETOS A.C., DEFRIES R., ACHARD F. RAMANKUTTY N. and SCHOLES R.J., 2005. A synthesis of rapid land-cover change information for the 1981-2000 period, Bioscience , vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 115-124 .
STEPHENNE N. and LAMBIN E.F. 2005. Scenarios of land-use change in Sudano-sahelian countries of Africa to better understand driving forces. GeoJournal , vol. 61, pp. 365-379 .
VANACKER V., LINDERMAN M., LUPO F., FLASSE S. and LAMBIN E., 2005. Influence of rainfall fluctuations on year-to-year vegetation dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters , vol. 14, pp.123-135.
LAVOREL S., FLANNIGAN M.D., LAMBIN E .F. and SCHOLES M.C., 2005. Vulnerability of land systems to fire: interactions between humans, climate, the atmosphere and ecosystems , Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change , vol. 10, in press.
RUDEL T.K., COOMES O., MORAN E., ACHARD F., ANGELSEN A., XU J. and LAMBIN E., 2005. Forest transitions: towards a global understanding of land use change, Global Environmental Change , vol. 15, pp.23-31.
LINDERMAN M., ROWHANI P., BENZ D., SERNEELS S. and LAMBIN E.F. 2005. Land-cover change and vegetation dynamics across Africa, Journal of Geophysical Research , vol. 110, no. D12, D12104 http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004JD00552117 June 2005 .
LAMBIN E.F., 2005. Conditions for sustainability of human-environment systems: information, motivation, and capacity, Global Environmental Change , vol. 15, issue 3, p. 177-180

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