
terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2004

Dia Mundial do Mar

Mais vivo que a vida...é como me sinto hoje.Renovei mais algumas partes do meu blogue. Chamo a atenção para as importantes ONGA que são a Oceana, a Come-Clean e a Greencross. Vale a pena clicar nas imagens ao lado e conhecê-las melhor. Um abraço a todos. Hoje despeço-me com a belíssima música/ letra dos Echo & The Bunnymen- Seven Seas que não parei de a ouvir esta manhã!!!

Stab a sorry heart with your favorite finger
Paint the whole world blue
And stop your tears from stinging
Hear the cavemen singing
Good news they're bringing

Seven seas
Swimming them so well
Glad to see my face among them
Kissing the tortoise shell

A longing for some fresher feeling
Belonging or just forever kneeling
Where is the sense in stealing
Without the grace to be it

Burning my bridges and smashing my mirrors
Turning to see if you're cowardly
Burning the witches with mother religious
You'll strike the matches and shower me in water games
Washing the rocks below
Taught and tamed in time with tear flow

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