quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2008

Biografias da era nuclear

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Biografias da era nuclear - testemunhos na primeira pessoa e outros documentos

Nuclear Events, Incidents and 
This is a companion site to a 42eXplore project titled Nuclear Age. Housed below are links to websites on significant events, incidents, and a few disasters connected with nuclear history. Be sure to visit the parent site and also don't miss another webpage, Biographies of the Nuclear Age - - all from eduScapes.
Atomic Veterans History Project
This website houses a collection of over 500 personal narratives of witnesses and participants in nuclear test events.
Chernobyl: Ten Years On Radiological and Health Impact from Nuclear Energy Agency, France
Scroll to the table of contents to find articles about this nuclear power accident, its health impacts, and lessons learned.
Related Websites:
2) Chernobyl from PBS's Frontline
3) Chernobyl Children's Project http://www.adiccp.org/?/contents.html
4) Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster by R. Visscher http://www.chernobyl.co.uk/
5) Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Failure: Russian Meltdown . . .
6) Conclusions and Recommendations from International Conference: One Decade After
Chernobyl http://www.iaea.or.at/worldatom/thisweek/preview/chernobyl/conclsn9.html
7) Facts and Links from Chernobyl Children's Project http://www.adiccp.org/facts/index.html
Commando Raid to Norway (Vermork factory, Part 1 of 3) from A Moment in Time Archives
One of the great fears of the Allied leadership in England and the United States during World War II was that Germany might build the first atomic bomb. Find the link to next section at upper right-hand corner of webpage.
Related Websites:
2) Pictures: "The Battle for Heavy Water - The Factory" http://members.chello.se/bjarne.gronnevik/factory_pics.html
3) Rjukan and the War http://www.rjukan-turistkontor.no/uk/rjukan/krigshistorie.asp
Copenhagen from PBS
Copenhagen is about Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, two of the great scientific minds of the 20th Century, trying to make sense of a meeting they had in September 1941, while World War II raged around them.
Related Website:
2) 'Copenhagen' Discussion Draws Overflow Crowd in Rainstorm
Discovery Of Radioactivity: The Dawn of the Nuclear Age from The National Health Museum
One hundred years ago, a group of scientists unknowingly ushered in the Atomic Age. Driven by curiosity, these men and women explored the nature and functioning of atoms.
Enola Gay and the Bombing of Hiroshima in World War II
This is the official site of General Paul Tibbets and the Enola Gay, the plane that delivered the A-bomb.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki from Mr. Dowling's Electronic Passport
Learn about about President Harry Truman and his decision to use the Atomic bomb.
Related Website:
2) A-Bomb WWW Museum http://www.csi.ad.jp/ABOMB/
3) Atomic Bomb: Decision http://www.dannen.com/decision/index.html
4) Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki from The Avalon Project
5) City of Hiroshima http://www.city.hiroshima.jp/index-E.html
6) Damages Caused by Atomic Bombs
7) Documents Relating to the Development of the Atomic Bomb and Its Use on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Links-site) http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/hiroshim.htm
8) Dropping the Bomb by M. Noble
9) First Atomic Bomb is Detonated 1945 from PBS's A Science Odyssey
10) Harry S. Truman Threatens Japan with Further Atomic Attacks from History Channel
11) Hirohito / Japan http://cidc.library.cornell.edu/DOF/japan/captioned/notgod.htm
12) Hiroshima and the Atomic Bomb http://www.boisestate.edu/history/ncasner/hy210/hirosima.htm
14) Hiroshima Archive http://www.lclark.edu/~history/HIROSHIMA/
15) Hiroshima: A Survivor's Story from Scholastic
16) Hiroshima/Nagasaki from Nuclear Files http://www.nuclearfiles.org/edstudyguides/drop.html and http://www.nuclearfiles.org/gallery/index.html
17) Hiroshima: Was It Necessary? by D. Long http://www.doug-long.com/
18) How Nuclear Bombs Work (Part 1 of 9) by C.C. Freudenrich from HowStuffWorks
19) Remembering Nagasaki form The Exploratorium http://www.exploratorium.edu/nagasaki/mainn.html
20) Schoolmaster's Experience of A-Bomb in Hiroshima from Nagatsuka Elementary School
21) Toge Sankichi: Hibakusha (A-bomb survivor) http://burn.ucsd.edu/atomic5.htm
22) Was Hiroshima Necessary to End the War? http://www.peacewire.org/photoexhibits/Hiroshima/articles/hironecessary.html
23) World War II Use of the Atomic Bomb http://www.fatherryan.org/nuclearincidents/wwII.htm
Human Radiation Experiments from U.S. Department of Energy
This website tells the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects.
International Nuclear Event Scale (INES)
This scale was created to convey to the public the safety significance of events in the nuclear industry.
Related Website:
2) General Description of the Scale http://www.rosatom.ru/english/stations/document/ines.htm
Manhattan Project Heritage Preservation Association, Inc.
This organization and its website are dedicated to preserving the historical importance of the Manhattan Project.
Related Websites:
2) Atomic Spaces http://tigger.uic.edu/~pbhales/atomicspaces/
3) Conscience, Arrogation and the Atomic Scientists by J.J. Stone from Federation of American Scientists http://www.fas.org/faspir/pir0894.html
4) Costs of the Manhattan Project http://www.brook.edu/dybdocroot/FP/PROJECTS/NUCWCOST/MANHATTN.HTM
5) First Atomic Bomb is Detonated 1945 from PBS's Science Odyssey
6) Human Radiation Experiments by G.Kelly and L. Ricciuti
7) Legacy of the Manhattan Project in Niagara Falls by G. Kelly and L. Ricciuti
8) Manhattan Project http://www.tangischools.org/schools/phs/think/man/index.htm
9) Manhattan Project http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~cchieh/cact/nuclear/manhattan.html
10) Manhattan Project http://www.fatherryan.org/nuclearincidents/Manhatta.htm
11) Manhattan Project from Mr. Dowling's Electronic Passport
12) N.M. Gave Birth to Atomic Bomb by L. Calloway from Albuquerque Journal
Meltdown at Three Mile Island from PBS's American Experience
This site discusses what happened at this nuclear reactor in Pennsylvania.
Related Websites:
2) Three Mile Island http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/12-2-2002-31409.asp
3) Three Mile Island Alert http://tmia.com/
4) Three Mile Island: A Nuclear Disaster http://www.uoguelph.ca/~rkapadia/tmipage.html
5) Three Mile Island: A Splendid Little Reactor http://www.boisestate.edu/history/ncasner/hy210/3mile.htm
6) Three Mile Island Event http://www.nucleartourist.com/events/tmi.htm
Nuclear Accidents by B. Sharvy
Here is a list of some of the accidents that have occurred in the two spheres of modern nuclear technology: energy production and the military. It is not a complete list, nor is it a list of the most serious nuclear accidents in history. Instead it is an account of various types of nuclear accidents, and a description of some of the most serious accidents within those types.
Related Websites:
2) Calendar of Nuclear Accidents from Greenpeace International http://archive.greenpeace.org/~comms/nukes/chernob/rep02.html
3) Nuclear Events/ERAMS Timeline (Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System) from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/erams/milestones.html
4) What Happens When It All Goes Wrong? http://www.geocities.com/nigson0690/screwups.html
Race for the Super Bomb from PBS American Experience
At the dawn of the Cold War, the United States initiated a top secret program in New Mexico to build a weapon even more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Japan.
Related Website:
2) Early Years of the Bomb http://www.bullatomsci.org/research/collections/erlyearsofbmb.html
Short History of the People of Bikini Atoll by J. Niedenthal
This page traces the unique history of the island, nuclear testing, and the status of the Bikini people and their land today.
Related Website:
2) Dawn of the Nuclear Age http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/exhibits/treasures/condon.htm
Nuclear Disaster in Japan from ABC News
A nuclear reaction at a uranium processing plant in Tokaimura, Japan has been brought under control, but officials told more than 300,000 people to stay indoors, closed nearby schools and told farmers to stop harvesting.
Related Websites:
2) Experts Play Down Fallout Danger from BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/462974.stm
3) Japan Nuclear Town 'Safe' from BBC News
4) Tokaimura Criticality Accident from World Nuclear Association
Radioactive Waste from Hanford is Seeping Toward the Columbia by K.D. Steele, High Country News
Leaking tank wastes have traveled far beneath the tanks, 10 to 15 miles, and reached the groundwater near the Columbia, the largest river west of the Mississippi.
Related Websites:
2) Hanford News from the Tri-City Herald http://www.hanfordnews.com/
3) Hanford Nuclear Site http://www.whistleblower.org/article.php?did=18&scid=28
4) Hanford Site from U.S. Department of Energy http://www.hanford.gov/
5) Hanford Watch http://www.hanfordwatch.org/
6) Hour One: Nuclear Waste from Science Friday http://www.sciencefriday.com/pages/1998/Apr/hour1_040398.html
7) Impact of the Cold War on Washington: Hanford and the Tri-Cities
Windscale Nuclear Incident
In 1957, the graphite moderator of one of the air-cooled plutonium production reactors at Windscale (now Sellafield), had a fire which resulted in the first significant release of radioactive material from a reactor.
Related Websites:
2) 1957 Windscale Reactor Fire http://www.lakestay.co.uk/1957.htm
3) Sellafield Incident http://www.aztecresearch.net/sellafield.htm
4) Windscale Accident 1957 http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/parade/aa226/magazine/nfs978m.htm

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